Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This is a BIG HIT!!! You're gonna wanna share and tag yourself in this one to save it and prepare this weekend! Just a warning, you might need to make more than one!

Spicy Italian Crescent Ring

LOVE recipes!! CLICK My BLOG and Sign Up For My Newsletter!!!!
2 cans (8 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
1/2 cup well drained roasted red bell peppers (from a jar)
8 slices provolone cheese, halved
1/3 lb deli sliced hot salami
1/4 lb deli sliced ham
1/4 lb deli sliced capocollo
1/2 cup well drained hot pepper rings (from a jar)
1 Heat oven to 375°F.
2 Unroll both cans of dough; separate into 8 rectangles. On ungreased 12-inch pizza pan, arrange rectangles in ring so short sides of rectangles form a circle in center. (Dough will overlap; half of each rectangle will hang over edge of pan. Dough ring should resemble a sun.)
3 Spread roasted red bell peppers towards center of ring on bottom halves of rectangles. Top with half of the cheese. Layer salami, ham and capocollo slices over cheese. Arrange pepper rings over top. Cover with remaining half of cheese.
4 Bring each dough rectangle hanging over side of pan up over stacked filling, tucking dough under bottom layer of dough to secure it. Repeat around sandwich until entire filling is enclosed (some filling might show a little but that is okay.) Sprinkle with black pepper.
5 Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until dough is golden brown and thoroughly baked. Remove from oven; cool 5 to 10 minutes before cutting into serving slices.
To drain the roasted red bell peppers thoroughly, use a fine mesh strainer, then set on a few paper towels to absorb any extra moisture.
*If you don’t like it spicy, switch out the deli meats for a milder flavor, and swap in some ripe olives instead of the hot pepper rings.
Source: pillsbury.com
#italian #crescent #ham #peppers #hollysrecipes
"People will try to label you with everything you’ve done wrong, but you’re already labeled forgiven, redeemed and restored." Joel Osteen
Isn't it funny how people seem to think its up to them to control YOUR life by putting a Label on you.. Oh she is the one that.. .... ... or he was there so he is... ... .. or they don't go here so they are .... ... ... You know what STOP... I don't care who you are.. what your  do.. or how much better you think you are.. YOU put your pants on the same way everyone else does... one leg at a time... and unless I missed something(and I doubt that).....God himself is the ONLY one we have to answer to.. I know when I stand before Him... I want to hear.. "Well Done My Child.. WELL DONE"... whatever a person is or isn't doing is between God and them... not a lynch mob on facebook... not 14 people on a phone chain...not the groupies at the coffee shop... GOD AND THEM.. PERIOD.... Every single person has a heart.. has feelings.. has a family that loves them.. in your eyes they may be doing wrong.. not your judgement call... move on and take care of YOU... Have a Blessed NON JUDGMENTAL DAY <3
#redeemed #forgiven #label #control #hollyshelpinhand

Monday, November 10, 2014

 <3 2 Minute Pineapple Coconut Pie <3

1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
1 large box instant vanilla pudding mix
3/4 c. Greek yogurt
1 8 oz. can pineapple, sliced, drained & halved
10 Marachino cherries, drained
4 Tbsp. shredded coconut
1 graham cracker crust

Combine the crushed pineapple, dry pudding mix and yogurt. Mix well until incorporated.
Pour mixture into graham cracker crust.
Scatter 2 tablespoon shredded coconut over pie evenly.
Place halved pineapple slices and cherries on top.
Sprinkle remaining 2 tablespoons coconut over pineapple and cherries.
Cover pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.
#coconutcreampie #pineapple #vanillapudding #greekyogurt
Check out my Albums on Facebook... TONS of Great Stuff https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5

"Failure is an event—it’s not who you are. Don’t let that label get stuck on you. If one dream dies, dream another dream." Joel Osteen
What have you learned ... what will you do differently this time... you are not done... did you really fail.. or did they fail you.. brush up get going and start again...FALL 7 times GET BACK UP 8!!!!
I don't know about you but I OVER THINK stuff.. take work for instance .. being self employed basically my whole life...the decisions have always laid on mine and hubbys shoulders of what needs to be done.. do you move forward .. do you bail... is the grass greener...to you close the business or do you add on..you have clients that trust you.. what if you do.. what if you don't make the right choice you get the picture...when something fails and it is not because of YOU or what you have or haven't done .. you have got to realize some things are out of our control and no matter what effort you have put towards that dream... sometimes ya have no choice but to let it die.. hard as it hurts..KNOW that YOU are not a failure... God has a Plan... and what I have found in my journey that if you are struggling and in turmoil to fight to keep a dream alive and you are sick and restless... its time to get quiet ... get on your knees and stop controlling... Give it To God... ask Him to lead you in the right direction.. and whatever direction it is.. do it Wisely and stop second guessing yourself!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Gregs awesome story AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my perspective.... A little over 2 years ago i came home from a short vacation with what i thought was a little cold.. 1 month later the doc told me it was just a virus and had to run it's course... 3 months later was still battling with fatigue. I was a t the point of not really wanting to go into my office to work.. Dec 2012 i was introduced to Phytalive. Kind of figured at that point anything was worth a shot.. Not really Believing anything natural would help.. Within a few days was past the feeling really terrible.. within a few weeks was back to not feeling massive fatigue.. each day and month got better. Now 2 years later i look back and say WOW! I got my energy back and Nov of 2013 started working out in the gym. BMI from 37% down to the low 20% That was about the same time Immunipro came along.. I attribute More ENERGY and Quicker RECOVERY to these two products. I also ran a 5K cross country for our church Missions group.. I would not ever of said it was on my bucket list, but made it ahead of everyone the age of 45 and above. I will continue to help spread the word of natural healing.
Message me for Help.. I will help you Order yours today or go here >>> www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com

#corenutrients #probiotic #energy #recovery
Well ya'll Know we are REDNECKS here at Capron Farms and we do a hunting tree each year...
Soooo I made these
Hunting Buddies Ornaments
You will Need :
2", 1 1/2", and 1/2" paint brushes
Red , White and Grey Craft Paint
White Felt/fleece etc
Black 5mm Pom Poms
Red 10mm Pom Poms
Camo Fabric.... I cut up a bandana
And the Holly is Little buttons... You could embellish with what ever you come up with.. be creative...
Sponge type paint brush
Small Craft paint brush
Glue or Hot glue gun

First using your sponge type paint brush you will paint all the handles red
After they dry ..go back and using your craft brush paint white dots on them.
Using your sponge brush paint grey on a couple of them
Then measure, cut and glue your white felt around
Do the same with the camo
Next Glue your eyes, nose and embellishments on
Hang using ribbon or I am gonna use some burlap
Have Fun with them ..be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
Be sure To share my stuff to save and also FOLLOW me.. I am always posting GREAT STUFF https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
#happyhappyhappy #redneck #christmas #huntingtree

Thursday, October 30, 2014

So I have this little group just for people who are sharing the opportunity and for people who have ordered Phytalive and ImmuniPro from me...The subject of weight being lost and inches just falling off from simply just taking Phytalive and ImmuniPro has come up SEVERAL times.. SEVERAL are seeing results.. including myself I had been on a plateau... Today one of our founders Nick Mangeris addressed it.. WOW. .. HOW exciting is this ..
Hi .. YES!!! and YES!!! and YES!!! While ImmuniPro has not been formulated to suggest "Weight Loss," with the results of increased Probiotic Activity in the Gut, we are getting several comments regarding BOTH, a reduction in physical inches (primarially in the mid-section of Men and Women) AND actual loss of pounds. The loss in actual pounds is coming from ImmuniPro's dramatically improved Gut activity and subsequent removal of unhealthy waste matter. The explanation for the loss in inches requires considerable more space than is permitted here. Just NOTE that it IS REAL and VERY HEALTHY! Nick Mangeris

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

By Dr.Amy Myers

Autoimmune conditions affect over 50 million Americans, a large percentage of whom are women. In fact, I myself had an autoimmune diseases called #Graves. Autoimmune diseases are considered a top 10 leading cause of death in women under the age of 65. They come in many different varieties, including rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes, thyroid disease, lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and more, and can cause many different types of symptoms all over the body that range from mild to severe in nature. But what are they, what causes them, and how can they be treated?
What are autoimmune diseases?
Although there are many different types of autoimmune diseases and they can affect many different organs, at their core they are all similar in that they are an immune response caused by systemic #inflammation that leads your body to attack itself. Your immune system has a very sophisticated system for keeping you safe that leads it to identify all of the foreign substances that enter your body or that you come into contact with. If your immune system deems anything dangerous, it will produce antibodies to ward off the harmful intruders.
Autoimmune diseases are born when your body is working hard to defend itself against something potentially dangerous, such as an allergen, a toxin, an infection, or even a food, and it fails to differentiate between the intruder and parts of your own body. Mistaking certain types of tissues for harmful substances, your body turns these antibodies against itself, wreaking havoc on your organs.
What causes autoimmune diseases?
There are many underlying factors that can cause people to develop an autoimmune condition. There certainly is an underlying genetic component. However, whether these genes get expressed or turned on is actually caused by a host of other factors, such as toxins from heavy metals like mercury or mycotoxins from molds, infections like #Candida, Epstein-Barr and the herpes simplex virus, and most significantly, chronic inflammation tied to food sensitivities — particularly #glutenintolerance. There is a significant link between autoimmune diseases and gluten intolerance.
10 Signs You May Have an Autoimmune Disease
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially a combination of several of them, you may have an autoimmune disease.
1. Joint pain, muscle pain or weakness or a tremor
2. Weight loss, insomnia, heat intolerance or rapid heartbeat
3. Recurrent rashes or hives, sun-sensitivity, a butterfly-shaped rash across your nose and cheeks.
4. Difficulty concentrating or focusing
5. Feeling tired or fatigued, weight gain or cold intolerance
6. Hair loss or white patches on your skin or inside your mouth
7. Abdominal pain, blood or mucus in your stool, diarrhea or mouth ulcers
8. Dry eyes, mouth or skin
9. Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
10. Multiple miscarriages or blood clots
What should you do if you suspect you have an autoimmune disease?
If you suspect that you have an autoimmune disease, the most important steps to stopping and reversing your disease and symptoms are to identify and then to treat the underlying cause. Conventional doctors only treat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases; they don't look to find the root cause. Often, they prescribe medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, or immunosuppressants. All of these treatments fail to address the underlying cause of the autoimmune condition in the first place and, while they may be effective in the short term, they are not a long-term solution. Treatments involving #immunosuppressantdrugs increase the risk of severe infections and cancer when taken for long periods of time.
Identifying which autoimmune disease is affecting you can be a difficult process. Symptoms may be vague, and autoimmune diseases can present themselves in so many different ways, affecting the thyroid, the brain, the skin, or other organs. Working closely with a functional medicine physician to review your family medical history, understanding your risk factors for infections, food sensitivities and toxins, as well as listening to you closely to discover how all of your symptoms are related is an essential part of getting well. A functional medicine physician will help to narrow down which labs they recommend in order to help find the root cause of your condition.
What is my approach to treating and reversing autoimmune diseases?
My approach to a patient who has a known or suspected autoimmune disease is to immediately place them on a #comprehensiveeliminationdiet to remove the top twelve inflammatory foods. I also recommend that they remove all grain and legumes from their diet if they think they can. #Lectins in grains and legumes have been implicated in autoimmune diseases.
I order a comprehensive stool test to look at levels of good bacteria, check for infections and leaky gut. I then apply a functional medicine 4R approach to healing the gut. This is essential! More than 80% of your immune system is in your gut. If you have an autoimmune disease, then by definition you have a #leakygut that needs to be repaired, otherwise you won't be able to reverse your condition.
I check blood levels for various antibodies and look for hidden or underlying infections.
After I've done all of this, if the symptoms have not completely resolved I look for hidden toxins like mercury and mycotoxins. If we find heavy metals, I often will place the patient on oral chelation treatment. If we find mycotoxins, I have the patient remediate their home.
I know from personal experience how overwhelming, confusing and scary a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease can be. I also know that conventional medicine only offers treatment of the symptoms, not a real solution to the disease.
***** IMMUNIPRO is the #1 Beta Gluten Immune Modulator.. What does that mean... MEANS it has over 1/2 Billion Dollars in Research and clinical studies to prove it ...when you have auto immune your bodies modulator won't calm down... Give me 60 to 90 days... PROMISE you will see a difference in your blood work and how you feel... Phytalive and ImmuniPro work together to fix YOUR GUT.... Message me or go here to order www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

OHHHHH Hubby and I were just talking... Do you KNOW that we are both so busy feeling good.. he just realized that he has not had to take Allegra D in weeks....being in the barns everyday his lungs were filled and his eyes always had crud in them... He is THANKFUL for IMMUNIPRO and PHYTALIVE... ask Us.. OHHHH we Will help YOU!
Candy Corn Bugels

Now these would be fun alone or added to a trail mix
Simple to do
Take a bugle chip.. cover it with melted chocolate.. you could use almond bark and add coloring like I did.. or you can use orange chips... let set up
Then repeat and make yellow.. dip the large end .. let set up
Then Repeat and dip the point in white... let set up
Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
#bugels #candycorn #whitechocolate, #trailmix
These are Fun.. could be for Halloween Or Fall Treat
Nutter Butter Acorns

Get a bag of those bite size nutter butter cookies... now I just made mine with one layer for the top but I have seen both sides used... twist them apart and stick a hershey kiss to the peanut butter... then on top add a dab of peanut butter and place a chocolate chip.. Thats It.. EASY
Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
#hersheykiss #nutterbutter, #acorns
SnAkEy Calazone

This is Fun for a Quick Halloween Dinner

Take pre made pizza crust... roll it out.. cover with your favorite pizza sauce... lay mozzarella cheese on top of the sauce.. then pepperoni.... Roll it all up and shape into a snake....we used 2 pizza crusts for this one.... ..... add sliced olives for the eyes... Bake at temp on package usually for 10 to  12 min. or until dough looks done take out and brush with  melted butter.. add green food coloring and garlic... brush it on...shape a small piece of dough into a tongue add it and brush on butter with red food coloring... put back in the oven for approx 5 min.
J. Buergin
Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
#calazone #snakecalazone, #pepperoni, #blackolives, #pizzasauce
Pumpkin Brains

Fun Festive Dinner

You can use any color bell pepper.. cut the tops off and clean them out... cut your faces in them
Set Aside
You can use fettuccine, spaghetti or pasta of your choice... and sauce of your choice..cook pasta... add sauce and then stuff your peppers

Sometimes I par boil my peppers in boiling water for about 5 min.... your choice

Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
#bellpeppers #halloween #pumpkin
"You have not seen your best days. Shake off what didn’t work out and get your passion back." Joel Osteen
This one seems perfect for today... This morning hubby comes in the bedroom... I was all comfy and snoozin good..5:45AM he says "Hey Might as well get up..Today is the first day of the rest of your life".. my first thought was ugggg and I rolled over... but then I couldn't get that out of my head...he was right.. like most always.. but hehehe don't tell him I said that... so I stumbled up...went into the kitchen.. started the bacon..still not seeing clear... but by the time it was ready to turn over.. I was wide awake..laughing and visiting ...do we have a perfect life...Oh HECK NO...better them some.. but much worse than lots...You know our oldest son and I talk about this alot.. How does hubby keep smiling EVERYDAY.. bless his heart he is HAPPY and JOYFUL..so many things broke down and going wrong here on the farm.. but yet he remains calm and doesn't let them dull his spirit... he has taught me sooo much in life.. for that I am Thankful...Remember... if you can't change it.. don't stress over it Have a GREAT day!
Follow Me For more Great Posts, recipes ,,, tips and motivation
#smile #problems #bacon #happy #broke #hollyshelpinhand
Ohhhh this seems EASY and Good!!!! Please Share so you will have it!
#bananabread #yellowcake
Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hey Salon Owners... I am looking for 5 salons that are READY to help their clients with Core Nutrition... I spent 25 years behind the chair...wish I would have understood the importance of core nutrition... that way I could have REALLY helped my clients with their problems....I am seeing Such GREAT results .. My Hair loss has stopped... my hair is thicker and shines...brittle dry hair is gone... My nails are strong and aren't breaking all the time... my skin is clear, no more breakouts... AND My hair grows SUPER FAST....when you give your body what it needs #corenutrients soooo many things get better...#phytalive and #immunipro are patented have clinical studies, and they are #nongmo #glutenfree, MSGfree ... Check it out or message me www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com
Don't Forget Daylight Savings Time Ends at 2:00am Sunday Nov. the 2nd
Pass This on .. Thanks
‪#‎fallback‬ ‪#‎daylightsavingsends‬

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ohhhhh My BACON.. and Cheeseburger in ONE DIP.. Be CAREFUL.. it's addicting
You will need:
1 pound of ground beef
8 to 10 strips of bacon ...crumbled
1 small onion diced
1 tsp minced garlic
8 oz cream cheese softened
2 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoon ketchup
1 cup of sour cream
1/2 cup of mayonaise
1 cup of mozzarella shredded cheese
1 cup of cheddar shredded cheese

Pre heat your oven to 350 ... cook your beef, onions and garlic.. drain if necessary
In a large bowl mix cream cheese, cheese, sour cream, mayo, worcestershire sauce and ketchup... add your beef mixture and bacon... stir well

Pour into baking dish and bake for 15-20 min.
Enjoy !~
For more GREAT recipes.. check my photo album labeled My Personal and also tons of them in my timeline photos.. be sure to share and follow me for more great stuff
Italian Rum Cake
Ohhhhh hadn't had or made one of these in Years ...hubby saw one in a Magazine so I dug out grandmas ol' recipe book and surprised him!
For the Cake..You will Need:
1 box of yellow cake mix
and if it doesn't have pudding in the mix.. you will need 1 package of vanilla instant pudding
4 Eggs
1/2 cup of oil
1 cup of walnuts
1/2 cup of dark rum

Glaze Ingredients
1 stick of butter
1 cup of sugar (not powdered)
1/4 cup of water
1/2 cup of dark rum
What you do:
Heat your oven to 325
Grease the bundt pan
Pour 1 cup of chopped nuts in the pan.. spread evenly
Mix all your cake ingredients.. blend well and pour batter over nuts
Bake for 45 to 50 min... do the toothpick test to check the outside will get a bit darker and that is what you want
To make your glaze melt the butter in a sauce pan .. stir in the water and sugar
Boil the mix for 5 min. stirring constantly
Add the rum AFTER the mix is off the stove
When the cake has cooled.. invert it to a serving plate... prick the top .. I use a toothpick or fork
Drizzle and smooth the glaze over
allow the cake to absorb as much glaze as possible.. there will be a puddle around the bottom of the cake... cover it tightly and let sit overnight.. will absorb it up!
For more GREAT recipes.. check my photo album labeled My Personal and also tons of them in my timeline photos.. be sure to share and follow me for more great stuff
"Don’t waste your emotional energy on something you can’t change." Joel Osteen
Raise Your hand if you have exhausted your self in a relationship...beat your head against the wall...tried everything you possibly could and things don't change....NOW HEAR me on this.. I am NOT just talking about a personal relationship here.. what about your work... you do everything that is asked of you...and MORE...no matter what its not enough.. or you are always looked over cause someone is willing to play the buddy game...and some even risk INTEGRITY to get what they want in their job...well I don't know about YOU.. but I know I would rather have my integrity and a clear slate when I walk up to those gates and wait to hear "Job Well Done My Child"...be still and listen.. God will tell you if you are in the wrong place...don't sell YOUR SOUL to the devil...Have a Blessed Day

Saturday, October 25, 2014

There is no time like the present. Start moving forward now. Maybe you have an idea you have put off developing, or you are stuck in park. Either way it is time to take steps towards accomplishing your goals. Don't make excuses. If you are uncertain of how to proceed, ask questions. Plenty of people have good ideas and plans but don't want to ask for help. Collaboration is often the key to progress.
Success is when preparation, hard work, and luck meet. Great opportunities do not knock, you must seize them. Taking action now will prepare you to identify and take advantage of opportunities as they come. So stop waiting and start building. You have GREATNESS within you! Les Brown
Steve Jobs said this "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."-
I say... BE YOU... Gather information... watch, read and learn...let the Holy Spirit Guide YOU...for that is the Voice of Truth...Gossip is just that Gossip... its one person saying something then another adds to it and next thing you know there is an uproar and it may not even be true... Get Your Facts...and be cautious where you lay your trust Remember "The Voice of Truth says Do Not Be afraid"
Be sure to Follow Me ... always have GREAT stuff https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I will never apologize for BEING who I am.. and you shouldn't either..we're here to be who we are... not other people! Maybe we talk different.. have a different slang...maybe we look different... size, shape, color... it doesn't matter.. what matters is our hearts... how we treat others...some people are so self centered they just don't GET IT... or maybe they are hiding behind a past hurt...we all have a story.. what makes you get THRU your story and not just stay stuck living the hurt and pain is friends....but SO MANY have a Shell,,, a wall that they can't see when someone truly cares about them... maybe its just a phone call to say Hi... maybe its just a private message on facebook to share something exciting....this week I have done both.. and got slammed in the face with rudeness on both occasions...Does it HURT.. OH your darn right.. it hurts... Only human ya know... BUT the thing you gotta do when that happens is not dwell on it.. I used to.. I used to make myself SICK going over and over in my head what did I do wrong.. what did I say... then a good friend told me "It's not YOU.. it's THEM" I have never forgotten her words... she is so right... All you can control is YOU...and people won't change no matter HOW hard you try.. IT'S up to them to figure it out
Follow me https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

So You like Your Nutrition... Hey It's a Way of Life here.. Now I wouldn't call us athletes.. well hubby used to be and you should see the boy run and bench press.. he is getting it back . but we know HOW IMPORTANT it is to give our body the proper nutrients it needs each day...Our overall health and energy is AMAZING...I used to Juice.. that was MESSY.. and I hate to say wasteful .. but it did waste alot.. then I bought a NutriBullet.. I do LOVE that.. and still use it for smoothies... but it gets tiresome doing it everyday and expensive taking handfuls of supplements and prescriptions each day...We are THANKFUL and SOOO excited to Shake.. Shake.. Shake our bottle of #phytalive each morning.. pour out that ounce.. Take 1 #immuniPro capsule.. and we are good to go.. no mess.. can take it with us if we are out of town.. easy... Nowadays we are exposed to lots of toxins and MANY weird viruses so we made the choice to take the extra ounce in the late afternoon along with 1 more immunipro... also helped us to get over some ailments we each were having... OHHHHH we sleep good.. no more of those Charlie Horses waking us up... I could go ON and ON about how AMAZING we feel.... Hey why don't you try it... You will be VERY HAPPY... Lots of Research and Clinical Trials.. backed by certificates of analysis for each batch.. WOW that says a mouthful right there...
Message Me... Would LOVE to HELP YOU... or go right here
#nutrition #corenutrients

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When the Devil Comes Callin' - A poem by Brad McClain
When the devil comes callin', you'd best know what to do,
'Cause he's got some trouble that he wants to give you.
You might think it's easy, with his horns, tail and smoke,
To know when he's comin', but this is no joke.
When he really wants you, he'll ride a nice horse,
His saddle's real shiny, and he's handsome, of course.
His spurs are a-jingling, he's pressed nice and neat.
His voice is so soothing, you'll swear that he's sweet.
Or maybe a woman, all flirty and fun,
She's sexy and tempting, so you better just run.
He comes on all happy, shows you the best,
But he never is truthful, and hides all the rest.
The pain and the heartbreak, the guilt and regret,
The time that is wasted, what can't be reset.
And after he's stolen the best of your years,
You're busted and broken, and cried all your tears,
He'll cast you aside, on that you can bet,
Rode hard to disaster, and turn you out wet.
God's Word clearly tells us, when satan appears,
He'll look like an angel, let those with ears, hear.
He tries to fool us, with his lying ways.
And that's why God's people should wise up and pray.
Put on God's armor, wear each piece in place.
Be strong in the Lord, and trust in His grace.
When he tries to condemn what you did in the past,
Remind him of his future, and that God's Word will last.
Best of all just remember, when he comes to your door,
Let Jesus deal with him, and he'll hit the floor.
'Cause greater is He that lives within you,
Than any old devil. So rise up, it's true!
"Greater is He that is you, than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
Thank You For sharing my posts with Your friends and family...
Be sure to LIKE my PAGE ..."This Side Of The Fence" https://www.facebook.com/ecoglohollycapron
#devil #truth #watchout
Do you have ‪#‎Diabetes‬... Or Does it HAVE YOU... are you just living caught up in that dark cloud...There is Hope... PLEASE listen to Dr.Larrys story about how his ‪#‎A1C‬ tests are BETTER.. through monitoring blood work with his Dr.. diet and his meds... only thing different he added was ‪#‎corenutrients‬ ‪#‎Phytalive‬ and ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬
"Lets Make the Rest of Your Life, The Best of Your Life"
Message me I would LOVE to help you... you can also go to my website www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com

Saturday, October 18, 2014

MANY have had GREAT success with Skinny Fiber... some have not...sometimes when you are struggling to ‪#‎loseweight‬ or you end up at a plateau.. it can be because your body is out of balance and its deficient in vitamins/minerals.. you can use and try everything and chances are you aren't gonna lose... and by chance if you do.. it can leave you unhealthy .. dry brittle hair and nails.. alligator skin.. tired and no energy.... I have the answer.. did you know you can get balanced with core nutrients ‪#‎immunipro‬ and ‪#‎phytalive‬....MANY are.... sure has helped me as I was at a stand still before.... stop beating your head... and being all depressed cause you think its your fault.... or you think the product doesn't work..... Lets get YOU healthy and balanced.. Go here www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com or message me I will help you!!!
‪#‎lapband‬ ‪#‎diet‬ ‪#‎corenutrients‬ ‪#‎dryhair‬ ‪#‎dryskin‬ ‪#‎brittlenails‬
Apple Pie Bars
YES it's the season APPLES are GREAT right now!!! This is YUMMY
and and EASY way to make apple pie
For the Crust you will need:
1 egg
2 sticks of butter softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp salt
For the Filling you will need:
4 large apples, peeled, cored and sliced
4 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 Cup brown sugar
2 tsps cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
For the Topping you will need :
2/3 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup flour
4 tablespoons butter melted

What you do:
1.Preheat oven to 350... line a 13 x 9 pan with parchment paper and set aside
2.Make your crust in a large bowl,, combine the egg, butter and sugar,, mix till creamy.
3.Add flour and salt... stir well... Flour your fingers and press the dough evenly in the prepared pan... bake for 15 min.
4.Make your filling in a large bowl combine apples butter , brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg... stir well.. pour over crust
5.Make your topping in a small bowl and spread over filling
6.Bake an additional 30 min.... let cool cut and enjoy
Be sure to Follow me for more great recipes, tips and motivation https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
And I have TONS of great stuff in my photos.. check them out

Friday, October 17, 2014

Building our ‪#‎immunesystems‬ has always been IMPORTANT... NOW more than ever...When you hear no known cure...it will be up to a patients own human immune system to fight it off.... WHAT does that make you think...HOW are YOU planning on building YOUR immune system....I KNOW what we are doing...If You want info on THE #1 Probiotic ImmuniPro ...has half a billion dollars in research and 20 clinical studies behind it... GET WITH ME.. also Improves digestion of food and increases absorption of nutrients (thats why it works perfect with ‪#‎phytalive‬), prevention of allergies,,, IMPROVES MOOD,, PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH and BEHAVIOR...
Please Watch the Video on my website.. Then Get YOURS today.. Message me if you need help ordering www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sooo you know.. I used to be THAT girl... you know the one living on pain meds.. antidepressants...‪#‎thyroid‬.. blood sugar.. cholesterol...‪#‎anxiety‬ ...tons of over the counter vitamins for ‪#‎B12‬, ‪#‎VitD‬ ‪#‎fishoil‬ Ohhhh I could go on and on and on.. OH even took ‪#‎phentermine‬ to lose weight.. only to gain it back and more... spent THOUSANDS of $$$$ going around to drs .. havings tests... GETTING my "LABELS" Oh ya I have been told ‪#‎syndromeX‬ ‪#‎chronicfatiguesyndrome‬ ‪#‎fibromyalgia‬ all Kinds of thyroid disorders... ‪#‎hypoglycemia‬ ummm let me think.. I know there are more.. THROW me a PILL.. Oh throw me another one cause that one gave me side effects.... NOPE NOT THAT GIRL Anymore.... heck with all that... I stopped taking all the prescriptions... went Natural... with ‪#‎phytalive‬ and ‪#‎immunipro‬ My LIFE is CHANGED... I could write a BOOK on HOW much better I feel.. OHHH my head is cleared.. don't have the fog... ZERO PAIN... weather changes hmmm no biggie.. ZERO PAIN.. had my blood work checked... PERFECT... YES PERFECT.. see ya need to give your body what it needs...‪#‎corenutrition‬ ‪#‎NONGMO‬ Eliminate as MANY chemcials from your daily routine as possible.... GO HERE watch this video.. www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com then get with me... I will HELP YOU are NOT a label.. you may have something .. but stand up and fight.. do your research... it doesn't have to have you

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

#corenutrition is KEY.. Your body is NOT what you eat.... its what it absorbs... THINK about THAT... there are chemicals EVERYWHERE.. from the products that many use.. to our work environments.. to all the GMO foods ..
#phytalive #immunipro
Good Morning... I know alot of you think facebook for just silly jokes and sharing pictures.. BUT with our every changing world we live in..This is the best way I know to SPREAD the word and HELP others.. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST....
HOW are You strengthening YOUR Immune System...soooo Many Virus going around these days... SOME the Dr's say the only thing they KNOW to cure them is OUR VERY OWN Human Immune System....I am THANKFUL for Patented ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬.. did you know its the #1 in Immune Support and #1 in Probiotics "implanted" in your intestines...you ask.. WHAT does that mean... it means its PURE..Potent.. CELL READY....Vegan.. TIME RELEASED.. yes time released.. one of the only ones available in the nutritional field... DID YOU KNOW....our Products come from a CERTIFIED Manufacturing Facility here in the United States...that means the facility meets the highest standards certified to make nutrients... not slapped together in someones garage or shipped from who knows where like alot of companies...
"Do It For Health..Do It For Life"
Message Me.. I will Help YOU or go here www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com
And ‪#‎Phytalive‬.. well its AMAZING BioAvailable Liquid Nutrient.. means made from fruits, berries, vegetables... ‪#‎NONGMO‬.‪#‎MSGFREE‬ and ‪#‎GlutenFREE‬ Free of Pesticides, insecticides and free of steroids!
Both of these Products have Certificate Of Analysis for EVERY batch
and Clinical Studies to Back Them!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Please go here and watch this.. www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com
Shhhhh not sure hubby would want me doing before and afters with him.. BUT OMGOSH... I am SOOO Proud ... He FEELS soooo much Better and LOOK at his skin... WOW... ‪#‎WRINKLES‬ be GONE!!!!!.. His Eyes Sparkle!!!! He had lost some ‪#‎weight‬ with ‪#‎skinnyfiber‬ and gotten off his blood pressure meds.. was feeling better.. but still ‪#‎tired‬ all the time and his body had sooo much ‪#‎pain‬...well we had the scare last summer and he had the huge growth in his ‪#‎thyroid‬ removed...then instead of going on prescription meds.. he choose ‪#‎liquidnutrition‬ .. ‪#‎phytalive‬ and ‪#‎immunipro‬... WELL I can tell ya ... it was a GREAT ‪#‎Choice‬ ... Tell me.. How old do you think he is.... I can sure tell ya he doesn't look it.... he works outside in the elements.. doesn't put anything but soap and water on his skin...I have to say... youthful.. great skin comes from the inside... just like hair and nails.. you can dump all kinds of stuff on them.. load them with chemicals trying to make them better... BUT if your body is deficient in vitamins/minerals ya aren't going to get much change...I am SO happy he choose To get his core nutrition and then protects it with The #1 Probiotic Immunipro... and YOU KNOW how hard it is to get a guy to try something .. let alone be dedicated to it... we just got back from our daughters wedding weekend... when we were packing.. he asked me like 5 times... you sure you have the phytalive/immunipro packed LOL... I am So ‪#‎happy‬ it makes him feel soooo good... he deserves it
Are You LOOKING for that fountain of Youth.... Well we have it.. message me and let me help YOU ... or you can go straight to our website to order www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com
Here is my Skinny Fiber site... http://bellinacose.skinnyfiberplus.com
S'mores Dip
MMmmmm........ Quick, easy and amazing!!!
Perfect for a cold evening.
1 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
20 Big sized marshmallows (cut in half with a scissors)
1 package graham crackers
Place chocolate chips in the bottom of a baking dish. Top with marshmallows, cut side down.
Bake at 450 for 6 min, or till golden. Do not over-bake, it will cause the chocolate to get hard.
Serve with graham crackers and enjoy
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☆Fun and support for all
Click this website and join us here--- https://www.facebook.com/groups/HollysHelpinHand/
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Check out Skinny Fiber so you can enjoy some of these great recipes without feeling guilty!! http://bellinacose.skinnyfiberplus.com/
This just in from Rose.... FANTASTIC!!!!
She says...
"So a little celebration this morning. I was challenged by a dear friend to try this - 125 days on Skinny Fiber.
I now can put my body in half the pants I started in! Yes, this is the same pair of pants! What an amazing difference! I started my journey at 267 pounds. I am now at 227. I know I have a ways to go! But I'm so thankful for the progress so far!
If you're waiting for a reason to start your journey, the proof is in the pants!! Yes, I felt like a Mermaid trying to walk to get the picture, but... it was worth it!!!"

100% All Natural Skinny Fiber~Get Healthy again!! Order yours today! http://bellinacose.SBC90.com
**If you are using the Facebook App on a mobile device, then open up Safari or Chrome and type in the URL directly. Do not google it as it’s a direct link to the website.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Be sure to SHARE to save... also follow me and check out more of my personal recipes in my photo album section https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5
Steak Sandwich
You will need:
2 -3 pounds of minute steak or tenderized round steak
1 large onion
2 stick of butter
Seasoned Salt... Your favorite brand.. I use Country Bobs
1/2 cup of worcestershire sauce
1-2 tsps hot sauce
You can use anytime of roll you want.. most of the time I have hamburger buns on hand so that is what I use...

What ya do:
Slice your meat in strips and season it.. and also slice your onion in strips
Saute your onion in 1/4 stick of butter.. till soft and lightly brown.. remove from pan..
Heat 2 tbsp of butter and cook your meat... add your worcestershire sauce and hot sauce...then add your onions back and another tbsp of butter.. stir well...
Toast your buns... add a bit of juice from the pan to each bun...place meat in buns and serve... you could add mozzarella cheese and melt a bit if desired...
Enjoy ~
#hollyshelpinhand #steaksandwich #bun #roll #onion
Well was looking at profile pics this morning and got to thinking... CHECK THIS OUT.. our first picture is one year ago... now we had both been on ‪#‎skinnyfiber‬ for a year and had had some GREAT accomplishments.. but 8 months ago we added ‪#‎phytalive‬ ‪#‎immunipro‬ to our daily regimen...NOW.. I know our second picture isn't as clear as could be .. but I think you can tell by OUR SMILES... our faces are HAPPY.. we are not TIRED... OUR PAIN is gone.. I know for a fact my ‪#fibromyalgia‬ is BETTER.. way BETTER... and I KNOW hubby has soo many improvements also... heck yesterday he was telling me he is thinking of running a 5k.. YA I KNOW.. wow.. he has even been able to lift some weights again.. sleeps great both of our Cholesterol and Blood Pressure is GREAT... Blood Sugar is now PERFECT... and Thyroid PERFECT... NO Meds.. All we take is Skinny Fiber and Phytalive and ImmuniPro.... You KNOW.. give your body what it is lacking... YOU WILL BE amazed.. and may just even lose more weight/inches WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ‪#‎nonGmo‬ ‪#‎glutenfree‬ ‪#‎nostimulants‬ ‪#‎savingmoney‬ ‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎thissideofthefence‬
GET YOUR Skinny Fiber HERE the digestive enzymes are VITAL to Fibro http://bellinacose.SBC90.com
GET YOUR Phytalive and ImmuniPro Here www.holly.organicpowernutrient.com
OR message me.. I will HELP YOU
"Don’t allow panic and worry to come in. God works when we’re in peace. That’s why you have to constantly guard your heart." Joel Osteen
Short and simple... Panic and Worry does not serve you.. it is the work of the devil....worry is paying rent on a vacant lot.... and panic well panic is the devil playing a trick on your mind.. getting you all worked up.. STAY IN PEACE... when you are going THROUGH your storm...it is soo much easier to get through when you are not all worked up.. hollering.. depressed.. you know every emotion the devil likes to jump up and down for...don't give him the satisfaction...When you are in peace your mind is clear.. you are more relaxed.. take a deep breath.. Pray ask for protection.. guidance through your situation and I feel like I need to add this also....We can not control others.. the way they treat us...so Guard your heart ...9 times out of 10 the problem is not you.. its them... and they have to work through it with God.. its personal...
Be sure to SHARE my stuff so maybe we can help someone AND they will Follow me.. ya never know... my page may be EXACTLY what they need https://www.facebook.com/holly.capron.5

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ohhhh Here it is.. Smelled it cooking all afternoon.. OH MY...
Apple Pecan Cake
What you need is
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups Sugar
3 eggs
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking Soda
2 teaspoons Vanilla extract
1 cup Chopped Pecans
3 cups peeled and chopped apples

Preheat oven to 350. grease a 9x13 pan. In a mixing bowl ix all above except for pecan and apples. The batter will be stiff, mix well then add pecans and apples and mix. Spread into your pan. Bake for 45 min. The apples moisten this cake while cooking, its delicious.
Icing is optional.. you could sprinkle it with a bit of powdered sugar also But here is what I did
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
1/4 c. evaporated milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
Brought it to a boil for 2 min. then I set the pan in a bowl filled with ice water and beat till it thickened... You can also add powdered sugar to the mixture if its not thick enough.
Enjoy ~
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#applecake #pecan