Monday, October 6, 2014

Not meant to offend anyone.. but HOPEFULLY Open some Eyes and minds...**PLEASE SHARE***
Okay.. I am in some ‪#‎Fibromyalgia‬ groups.. made some AWESOME friends .. BUT the one thing I see repeatedly is how SO MANY just rely on GMO pills to be thrown to them and when that pill stops working they are begging for more and something different.... PILLS are not the answer... ‪#‎corenutrition‬.. and elimination of ‪#‎SalicylateAcid‬ IS... As a sufferer for MANY years... I played the came... thrown from dr. to dr. this pill that pill do you know just a couple of years ago I was taking a handful of prescription pills a day.. just to get through the day.. and 2 allergy shots a week to boot.. I would go to the dr office crying/begging.... I am NOT that girl anymore... I am Happy.. Healthy (got the blood work to prove that) ...WHAT did I do to change... I started giving my body what it needed... and eliminating the things that were causing problems...Now I am not gonna tell you that I never have a flare up.. I do but they are fewer and far between.. AND I can usually pin point what I did wrong.. for example.. I ate wrong over the weekend and also was on a treadmill that I wasn't used to.. hurt my back with the incline.. then slept on the hotel bed from H*##...then walked around the farm show in the cold I know why today I can barely walk... but what makes it different... I will tell you... It will take just a couple of days of extra ‪#‎phytalive‬ and ‪#‎immunipro‬ and ‪#‎skinnyfiber‬ I will be feeling GREAT again... WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS.... I won't be laying around ... ‪#‎depressed‬ .. yesterday we walked the woods with the dogs.. ya I was hurting.. BUT you gotta get your head clear of all those prescriptions so you see the good in all days... Let me Help YOU.. Message me your # or go to my websites...
Skinny Fiber is great for the digestive enzymes..see when you have fibro.. your kidneys don't eliminate the phosphate like normal.. that is one thing that causes pain and fatigue...
Then when you start to understand CORE Nutrition... feeding your body what it needs ‪#‎NONGMO‬ ‪#‎glutenfree‬ ‪#‎liquidnutrients‬ instead of packing it full of acid type food which causes pain and illness... THEN you will start feeling GREAT.... go here WATCH this video you can order or message me I will help you order
‪#‎bloodpressure‬ ‪#‎cholesterol‬ ‪#‎heart‬ ‪#‎cancer‬

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