Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's never too late for you to begin again, but don't think for one minute that when you step out to try that the enemy won't take a step against you to try to drive you back. " Joyce Meyers
You have heard it...ARM yourself with YOUR suit of Armour....Salvation... Righteousness...Truth...Spirit...Faith.. Peace...
I know I know.. easier said than done... some of the suit is very easy to wear each day and some.. well its a struggle... my own I struggle with Truth and Peace.. now I am not meaning telling people the truth.. I struggle with my own self talk.. and in turn it disrupts my peace...I go through times I am very down on myself.. when that happens its a spiral effect and I lose my Joy...My best thing I can do for myself is look myself straight in the eye in the mirror and say... YOU are beautiful and YOU are worth it...God Loves YOU... TRY IT...and also to help with Peace... ridding ourselves of negativity... thats a hard one.. but that helps the whole suit too... Have a GREAT Day
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