Monday, June 30, 2014

Tracy's thyroid meds reduced by half! Now that's AMAZING!
Tracy, you have done fantastic!!!
In the before picture i was tipping the scales at 215lbs.. the heaviest I had ever
been in my life .... then last year I decided to gain control of my life and my weight... I was so unhappy... high cholesterol... hypothyroid.. feeling pretty much like crap.. I ate whatever I wanted to and was so unhappy with myself... I decided to start my lifestyle change doing Atkins and it was awesome!
I lost 50lbs.. and the hit a stall.. the weight wasn't moving at all.. I had a friend that was taking Skinny Fiber and I was so skeptical.. so i watched for a good month and saw all these awesome people dropping pounds and inches I just had to try it....after all it comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee and you know what? It has been the best decision in my life.
After losing the weight for the first time in 16 yrs my thyroid medications have been lowered in half!!!! And my Cholesterol is now in the normal range and am hoping to be off the awful Statin medication by my next blood test!!! I have energy and feel awesome! I have also lost 20 lbs and 37 inches since starting Skinny Fiber! It has been a essential help in my weight loss! I am down 70lbs!!!
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