Sunday, August 31, 2014

Think about this... Okay we are Livestock Farmers....and have always given our cattle Minerals to help be healthy.. can always tell if the grass isn't providing enough nutrients by the way their hair looks...Same as humans... if your hair is lacking shine or is all dry, brittle and dull.. maybe your nails are dry cracked or your skin is dry and cracked... These are all signs of a vitamin/mineral deficiency... MINE I knew I greyed early and knew something was the cause.. had talked to the dr about it and kinda got that deer in the headlight look..THEN a few months back we were introduced to Phytalive and ImmuniPro... patented vitamins/minerals/probiotics... Hubby and I both started taking them... neither of us serious about it for the first couple months... then we both had some health issues crop up and got serious... WOW.. there is something to this we said... We don't go a day without ours... they also give us energy and all over good feeling... I just heard back on my blood work... AMAZING....and Many of you know I suffer from Tick Fever.. which is another thing I didn't take serious...when I get a flare up I just double up on my dosages and it gets me feeling normal again...Fibro patients... LISTEN UP... This WILL HELP YOU....OH HEY... did I mention I have dark pieces growing like crazy in my hair WOOOHOOOOO....and my alligator feet are GONE.. so soft!!! Take a moment Think about it.. HOW IS YOUR hair, skin and nails...
Phytalive and Immunipro is a very potent Liquid Nutritional Supplement. It is AS PURE as if it were picked by you straight from your organic garden (and, it really tastes great). By FEEDING your body what it craves, we have countless people talking about how their health is dramatically improved! Medical Doctors, DO's and Chiropractors buy it by the case for their patients.

#healthyhair, #dryskin #crackedheels #hollyshelpinhand 

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