Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This morning.. no quotes.. just straight from my heart... I want you to understand Depression is REAL.. if YOU or someone you know and Love is depressed ...you can't just say get over it... Depression has no limits.. We were all shaken and saddened by the news of Robin Williams yesterday...on the outside we all looked at him.. FUNNY, TALENTED, FAME,, FORTUNE....none of us saw that coming....depression comes from within you can have everything.. but still not have anything... there are many medical reasons that can cause it...chemical imbalance, hormones, thyroid, blood sugar...news of a terminal illness, I am sure there are many more there are many different levels and names for it ...then there is the mind... our thoughts.. what we put in it.. what we start BELIEVING.. You have read and read the things I post on self pity, positive self talk... happiness comes from within...it's true to an extent.. they are like layers...if you have something wrong and you don't seek help and you keep talking yourself down its dangerous.. and ya'll I am gonna say this...I got some medication last month from my dr...now not saying medication is the wrong choice.. BUT PLEASE be careful...dr's can be so busy and tend to throw you a depression pill based on the "newest" thing out there...now I am not trying to bash drs they are doing there job... but WRONG medication and WRONG dosages can be fatal...I know it happened to me last month..I won't go into details.. but I was never so scared in my life....if you are on a medication and you have suicidal thoughts...don't blow them off.. GET HELP NOW...Get a different medication or do what I did.. Get on your knees and CRY out for help PRAY like you have never Prayed before and then with the help of family and friends You will get through it... I have chosen the natural methods of Vitamins/Minerals/Probiotics.. I feel better than I have for years... BUT you need to find the root of what is causing it.. I was fortunate mine was an easy fix vitamin/mineral deficency.. and I was needing some positive self talk and some daily exercise...
Somebody in the U.S. dies by suicide every 13.3 minutes
Be aware of the signs: "Any drastic changes, whether it's your sleep pattern, your diet, your social engagement, Here is a good article from WebMd http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-symptoms-and-types

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