Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"People will try to label you with everything you’ve done wrong, but you’re already labeled forgiven, redeemed and restored." Joel Osteen
Isn't it funny how people seem to think its up to them to control YOUR life by putting a Label on you.. Oh she is the one that.. .... ... or he was there so he is... ... .. or they don't go here so they are .... ... ... You know what STOP... I don't care who you are.. what your  do.. or how much better you think you are.. YOU put your pants on the same way everyone else does... one leg at a time... and unless I missed something(and I doubt that).....God himself is the ONLY one we have to answer to.. I know when I stand before Him... I want to hear.. "Well Done My Child.. WELL DONE"... whatever a person is or isn't doing is between God and them... not a lynch mob on facebook... not 14 people on a phone chain...not the groupies at the coffee shop... GOD AND THEM.. PERIOD.... Every single person has a heart.. has feelings.. has a family that loves them.. in your eyes they may be doing wrong.. not your judgement call... move on and take care of YOU... Have a Blessed NON JUDGMENTAL DAY <3
#redeemed #forgiven #label #control #hollyshelpinhand

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