Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Healthy Tips For Your Thyroid
Did you know the # of thyroid problems has doubled in the last decade.. here are some tips to help and a way to see if you are low in Iodine..it's a mineral our bodies need to produce thyroid hormone... and when it is messed up our whole body is out of whack.. weight problems is only one of the symptoms!
#1 Eat leafy greens..kale, broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts 1 cup a day
#2 20 mins of Meditation each day can help with tiredness
#3 Coconut Oil Increases fat burn and will rev up your T4
#4 Use Iodized Salt (I like Pink Himalayin 1/2 tsp a day)
#5 Watch your scratch -free pans.. replace them as soon as they show damage.. the chemicals that leak out can cause your thyroid to not function correctly
#6 Avoid Cigarette smoke.. the chemicals in cigarette smoke block the iodine receptors..

***Here is How to test to see if your Iodine level is low...
Rub Iodine on the underneath part of your arm...if your skin quickly soaks it up and leaves no yellow color..your iodine levels are low..***
Source of article. Woman's World
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