Wednesday, April 30, 2014

OMG if you are planning to order Skinny Fiber from me THIS WEEK.. BE SURE to JOIN MY SUPPORT GROUP and READ the Pinned Post... YOU will WANT to BEFORE Midnight TONIGHT.. WOOOHOOOO
Ok These are pictures I HAVE NEVER Shown, but I think its time I do. I will have been on SF for a year in May. Well let me tell you, I was depressed, I hated myself, hated the way I looked bf I started, I even lied to myself about how much I weight because I did not want to know, i was scared, mad and so depressed. Today I Did my measurements, I don't stress over the scales and WELL HOLY CRAP, I am proud to say, I am down 45 lbs and 50.5 inches I want you to know YES Skinny Fiber DOES WORK. I detoxed for 3 weeks and then I lost inches and then I lost weight. I was on so many medications when I started that it had to correct my body first, and I will tell you I am off MANY of those meds NOW thanks to Skinny Fiber, YES I HAVE MY LIFE BACK MORE than I can EVER IMAGINE, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my skinny fiber

Order all natural Skinny Fiber today!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Buy 3 Get 3 Free!!
Order here:

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Go Sandy!! You look GREAT!!

"Here is my before and in progress update. I have tried most of the "diets" out there with varying success but the weight always came back and usually brought extra pounds with them.
I am a stress eater (and I have tons of stress)this and the usual hormone issues when you get in your 50's started causing my middle to expand. I have been stuck at the same weight for years no matter what kinds of other products and programs I tried. Then one of my friends said she was using skinny fiber and it was working for her, so I started watching. One day I got on my fb page and my friend had put me in a support the sign of a true friend.!
The group leader was friendly, informative and very patient. Still I watched...... I asked LOTS of questions......and FINALLY after months, I ordered.
I am losing slowly mainly because I have not been as consistent as I should have been and also,
I have health issues ( diabetes, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, joint pain, migraines)so it took a little while for my body to get back in balance, but they are all improving as I take my skinny fiber.
What I know is, I am taking less medication, have better blood sugar, better blood pressure readings, much better mobility and less pain. Just that would be worth every penny! It has really curbed my cravings and I am not hungry all the time, with no jitters or heart palpitations like some of the other things I tried. The scale going down is a exciting extra benefit.
Without the support of my leader, I probably would still be watching.... I think that it is the combination of an amazing product and all the support that helped me be successful .Everyone is in your corner cheering you on!
I am now doing my 90 day challenge and adding in exercise and toning so stay tuned for another update! This is 20 pounds and lots of inches. Don't be like me and waste any more time "watching"... get started and enjoy your life!"

Order all natural Skinny Fiber today!
Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Buy 3 Get 3 Free!!
Order here:
* If you are using the Facebook App on a mobile device, then open up Safari or Chrome and type in the URL directly. Do not google it as it’s a direct link to the website.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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This is a DEFINITE MUST TRY! Helps turn on your fat burning genes!!!!


Many people who follow the Paleo lifestyle swear by a drink called "BULLETPROOF COFFEE" to increase satiety first thing.

1 cup of Strong Coffee
1 Tbs. of Butter (100% Unsalted butter)
1 Tbs Coconut oil
*Stevia (optional)

Make the coffee(black)
Add the Butter and Coconut Oil
Add Stevia if needed.
Put in blender and blend until frothy.

The combination of fats melt into the coffee and create a decadent coffeehouse-style drink.

The Perks?
You get CLA from the butter and medium-chain fatty acids from the coconut oil. These are super high-quality fats that actually turn off our fat-storing genes and switch on our fat-burning genes.

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Ranch Chicken Quesadilla

1 Large Chicken Breast
4-6 Tortilla Shells ( I use a low carb brand)
1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil of Choice
1/2 Cup Ranch Dressing
Handful Cheddar Cheese.
Handful Pepper Jack Cheese.
Franks Hot Sauce to taste (Optional)

Should make 2-3 Quesadillas

Brown each side of chicken breast in oil then pour ranch dressing over the chicken. Turn to coat then cover and simmer on low till done (depending on the size of the chicken breast it should only take about 6 minutes or so) A nice sauce will form in the pan.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

I have been overweight since I was a young girl and as I got older and put on a lot of weight I started taking every diet pill out there with no results except 13 years ago when I lost weight and a lot but after stopping the product I gained it all back plus 30 lbs! When I got pregnant I was over 400 lbs. Finally last year I was introduced to skinny fiber and I could not be happier! I have been on skinny fiber for a total of 5 months and I haves dropped over 40 lbs and numerous amount of inches! I know have so much confidence in myself and so so very happy!!!
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WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..

Saturday, April 26, 2014


People are asking me what's in Skinny Fiber. These are the 3 Key Ingredients. There are also Digestive Enzymes, which the body needs to digest and process foods properly. (Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Papain, Cellulase & Bromelain) !YAY!

YOu KNOW... summer is close... why not start YOUR 90 day challenge now...go here
and if you are looking to earn some extra $$$$ let me know... I will HELP you get started

Loaded Cauliflower


1 large head of Cauliflower cut into bite size pieces (approx 6 cups)
6-8 strips of bacon cooked and crumbled (Cooked in oven at 400° for 20 mins)
6 Tbs chopped Chives
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
1/2 cup Sour Cream
2 cups Colby Jack Cheese ( may use cheddar)
8 oz container sliced mushrooms

Preheat oven to 425°
In a large pot boil water and cook Cauliflower for 8 - 10 minutes, drain and let cool.
In a large bowl combine sour cream, mayo, 1/2 of crumbled bacon, 3tbs chives, 1 cups of cheese,mushrooms and cauliflower and mix well... place in baking dish and cover with remaining 1 cup of cheese and rest of bacon crumbles. Bake for 15-20 minutes until cheese is melted. top with remaining 3Tbs chives and serve.
ENJOY!!!!♥✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿SHARE TO SAVE TO YOUR TIMELINE✿´¯`*•.¸¸✿♥

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Can anyone tell me what this is??? And if so do you have one... I have my grandma's

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Stuffing Meatloaf
1 package Stove Top Stuffing mix, dry...
1 c. warm water
1 1/2 lbs. lean ground beef
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 package onion soup mix

Preheat oven 350°. Coat inside of bundt pan with cooking spray.
Place warm water, onion soup mix and dry stuffing mix in a bowl. Mix well. Let sit for 5 minutes to allow bread time to absorb water.
Add eggs and ground beef. Mix well. Best to get it blended by using your hands and incorporating it all together.
Place evenly into bundt pan. You can also put into muffin tins to make individual loafs.
Bake 1 hour or until no longer pink inside.
Remove and allow to rest 5 minutes before cutting into.
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Well everyone this is another update 18 months on but last 7 months off Skinny Fiber due to being hospitalised for Pneumonia In September 2013 and only now being allowed to exercise again and have been back on skinny fiber for 3 days another 2kgs gone already woop woop!! I started my journey September 26 2012 I had IBS and High Blood Pressure and was on BP meds I came off all meds within 3 weeks and my IBS is now barely existent only when I miss my skinny fiber dose I really notice it I have tried to lose weight for 18 years to no success this is the only product that has ever worked adn has the right ingredients for weight loss to be successsfull 120 inches gone and 50 kgs/103 pounds gone forever!!!! Please join me order today!!!
Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

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WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
WOW Patty OMG What a Story... Thank for sharing!!!!!

My name is Patty and I am addicted to Skinny Fiber ~ . Until about 15 years ago I struggled to gain weight. It did not matter what I ate and I did eat!! In my late 20's I decided to go to college. I had a husband and 2 boys at home and was self-employed. Many late nights using food to stay awake and no time for me changed my weight problem from underweight to overweight. I proceeded to yo-yo diet for 6+ years and would always put back on what I lost plus some.

When I graduated from college I got pregnant and this once 100 pound woman went to 199 pounds. After I had my daughter I again yo-yo'd trying Atkins, Slim Fast, cabbage soup diet and countless "diet pills" in effort to lose weight. I did manage to get back down to about 135 - Yay me! Then I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. This is an autoimmune disease where the body tries to fight off the matter in the intestines. Treatment=steroids. Each of the 3 times I had to use steroids brought (and I kept) about 25 pounds. So now I am hoovering around 200 pounds (I am 5'4").

Additionally, I had always battled Endometriosis and when my baby girl was 18 months old I had to have a complete hysterectomy. Can anyone say HORMONES? You guessed it ~ add another 30ish pounds. At my heaviest I weighed in at 242 pounds. Pretty awful since at one time I could not tip the scales at 100 pounds.

So here I was watching my friend on facebook posting about Skinny Fiber. Me with all my medications for: high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, Crohn's disease and acid reflux [+ plus a multi-vitamin to stay healthy ], contacted my friend to ask "Is this stuff for real? Do you take it?" She provided me with answers to my questions and motivation to recapture my health and of course Skinny Fiber.

The pictures below were taken at the beginning of my journey and about 5 weeks after (inconsistently) taking my Skinny Fiber. I changed nothing EXCEPT alleviating my poisoning habit of drinking 6-8 Diet Dr. Peppers each day to being a water ONLY kinda girl. I had only lost about 8 pounds but inches? I cant even tell you because I did not measure in the beginning but pictures don't lie.

My journey is ongoing. I have good days and bad but now have Skinny Fiber every day. Goal ~ to be the healthiest Patty I can be and hopefully no longer require all the medication I currently take. I can not express enough how much better I feel and oh yeah I decided to become a distributor myself. I am spreading the love so that I can reach as many people as possible. Weight and health concerns have been my biggest enemy for years and I am OVERCOMING! Skinny Fiber flat out works! Blessings.
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Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..

Friday, April 25, 2014

free MONEY free MONEY free MONEY.. FREE MONEY .. REBATES AND A CHANCE TO WIN $100 VISA CARD >>> all orders will be placed in the drawing
WHO IS ready to ORDER some Skinny Fiber????? FLASH WEEKEND REBATES... ... GOING TO BE EXTRA REBATES TO BOOT... JUST THIS WEEKEND....STARTS NOW 4-25-14... GOES TILL MIDNIGHT ON SUN April 27th !!!! Rebates will go out in 4 to 6 wks... Order 1 bottle Get $12 back, Order 2 with 1 free GET $20 back and order 3 with 3 free Get $25 BACK.. WOOOHOOO Heck of a dell... Order here I can paypal them or check.. just let me know your email or your mailing address in a private message  on face book and its ok if it goes to my 'other' folder.. I check it all the time .  ...OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WooHoo!!! Look at Jennifer!!!
She shares...
"I am so excited about this product. I have never had success with anything else I mean its like you just watch the inches melt away. I really haven't done anything different just added more water to my day. I have recently started working out cause I don't want the extra skin and flab hanging and I want to tone everything up a bit. "

Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

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Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
Stomach fat is very dangerous. It literally encases your organs in fat and your organs and your body need to all work harder to get the same result.

Losing even 5 pounds of belly fat will have a significant impact on your health and your longevity.
You don't have to do anything else, No special diet, No special food to prepare, you can eat what your family eats. How easy is that? Skinny Fiber, IT FLAT OUT WORKS!

I understand~~ the idea of trying yet another weight loss product is daunting.... You've lost all hope, because the promises of other products have left you disappointed AND broke, or set you even further back.
With Skinny Fiber, you don't DIET. You eat REAL food. There are no shakes to drink. While those shakes may TASTE great, if you're like me, you still want something to EAT. There are no body wraps that cause temporary water loss. There are no stimulants that give you the jitters. And best of all, it's 100% NATURAL !!
So, all you skeptics, I urge you to take a real look at Skinny Fiber. It has worked for thousands of people, and it is not just an empty promise. It has a 30 day money back guarantee...and with a less than 1% return rate, it's a 99% sure thing you will love it too !

Thursday, April 24, 2014

。☆ 。☆ 。☆ 。CHECK THIS OUT! 。☆ 。☆ 。☆ 。

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☆✻ღ✻☆ Low Carb Italian Squash ☆✻ღ✻☆
I also have an awesome group you can join, the group is private to the members. . My group is
Talk about GOOD... Tastes Just like spaghetti without the calories.... You could even do a meat sauce on top if you want...
I have a spiral cutter and LOVE it...

You will Need
1 -2 Med. Zucchini Squash
1-2 Med. Summer Squash
1/4 Cup of Chicken Stalk
1 Tbsp of Minced Garlic
1/4 Tsp salt
1/4 Tsp Pepper
1/2 Tsp Italian Seasoning

Heat your chicken stock and seasonings over a med heat...let simmer for 2 min.
Add squash and toss till well mixed..
Cook for 5 min. or until the "noodles" are tender
You can Top with Parmesan Cheese and chopped Parsley if desired

Homemade Basic Dog Biscuits- For all the dog lovers:)

These basic biscuits can be customized to your pups taste or needs


2 ½ cups whole wheat flour (substitute regular flour or oats if your dog is sensitive to wheat)

1 tsp. salt (or less)

1 egg

1 tsp. Beef or chicken flavoring (can substitute beef or chicken broth/stock)

½ cup hot water

Optional Add ins

oats, liver powder, wheat germ, shredded cheese, bacon bits


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Dissolve bouillon in hot water

Add remaining ingredients

Knead dough until it forms a ball (approximately 3 minutes)

Roll dough until ½ inch thick

Cut into slices or bone shapes (you can purchase a bone shaped cookie cutter to make shapes with)

Place dough pieces on lightly greased cookie sheet

Cook for 30 minutes

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Deep Blue Whipped Body Butter

Commercial beauty products are loaded with toxic chemicals. I decided to try whipping up my own recipe for body butter to moisturize my skin and have something a little extra for my aches and pains! You can create all kinds of butters for all sorts of ailments just by changing which Essential Oils you add to them! This one is a KEEPER! I've included links where you can buy the ingredients to make you own! Enjoy!

1/2 Cup Shea Butter (Amazon: )
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil (Amazon: )
1/4 Cup Sweet Almond Oil (Amazon: )
10 drops of Deep Blue Essential Oil (doTERRA)

Measure out the oils and shea butter and place in a oven safe glass bowl (Pyrex). Fill a pot with a couple inches of water and place glass bowl inside. Do not let the water get inside the bowl. Whisk the ingredients over medium heat until melted and translucent. Remove from heat and place in the refrigerator until it's solid again (about 2 hours).

Remove from refrigerator. Whip into a buttery consistency with en electric mixer (2-3 minutes or so). Then spoon in to 4 ounce jelly jars. Cover with lid and refrigerate another hour.

*This will keep for about 6 months at room temperature. It may soften if it gets warm. Just refrigerate for a bit if this happens and it will be back to a more solid consistency.

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Many times the voices in your head are WRONG… Don't problems usually ALWAYS work themselves out?
Stressing less, gives your brain a better shot at coming up with a solution…

Boy This Is The TRUTH... Good MORNING... Have a GREAT DAY

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Sometimes we just need to reframe our lives.

We focus so much on what our life looks like when we aren't happy with it. But we don't realize it's a simple change of the frame that can make the picture look so much better.

Look at the picture you see in your frame and pick out a new frame to put around it. The picture will change.

So, take your negative image and reframe it to look positive. Now you have a whole new story of beauty.
To Keep seeing All The Great Stuff I post.. Be SURE to LIKE, COMMENT And/or SHARE stuff from my wall EVERYDAY

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Down By The Sea Body Polish

Anyone who's been to the ocean knows how wonderful your skin feels after a day in the sand and surf! The minerals and salt and sand naturally soften your skin! There's almost nothing like it! Until now! And it takes just a few minutes to make!

1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup fine ground Sea Salt
1/4 Cup Epsom Salt
10 drops Essential Oil (optional)

To create this amazing scrub:

Measure coconut oil into a bowl. If it is a bit stiff, stir & mash until soft enough for mixing. Add both Sea Salt & Epsom Salts. Stir until blended. Add minerals and Essential oils (I used Lavender EO for relaxation before going to bed!)

Use as an all over body scrub 1-2 times weekly to moisturize and exfoliate your skin!

Why these ingredients?
Coconut oil: moisturizes and protects your skin
Sea Salt: exfoliates and draws out toxins
Epsom salt: exfoliates and adds important minerals that occur naturally in sea water
Essential oils: for scent and aromatherapy
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This water will boost your metabolism, help fight a cold, help ease a stomach ache, reduce flatulence, help with nausea, improve absorption of nutrients, reduce inflammation and so much more! Plus it is so tasty!

Makes 1 liter
½ orange, washed and sliced
1 inch chunk of ginger (Remove skin from ginger & slice into thin rings)
½ cup ice
mint leaves (slightly crushed) Optional


Put ginger slices in the bottom of your container.

Next add orange slices to container, gently squeezing to help release the juices as it sets.

Top with ice, this part is important whether you enjoy your water cold or at room temperature as it holds down the fruit to better infuse the water.

Place the container in the fridge, or on your counter top if you like room temperature, for one hour before serving.

When you have poured ½ of the infused water from your container, fill back to the top with water. This will help preserve the flavor so you won’t have to start over again when you finish the container. You should be able fill it up to 6 times in a day, or until the flavor is lost.

Store in your fridge for 24 hours.

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Love My Life

Was just sitting here pondering on how much I LOVE my work! <3
There is just simply not a better line of work for me anywhere! <3
I focus on encouraging others & lifting them up, being a blessing, at home, on my computer, and I get paid for it.... that's like having your cake, eating it & STAYING SKINNY too!
can't beat it with a stick, I say!!!

Take a free tour! I could change not only your life, but the lives of those in your circle!!! it did mine! it did the lives of those in my circle! AND! AND! AND!!! MY CIRCLE KEEPS GETTING BIGGER!!! The ripple effect! Geeze! I think I could just explode!
FREE TOUR>>> Take it...
Hey Ya'll OMG...Meet Molly, She is doing AWESOME on SF. Order your skinny Fiber here at

You know when they say "All you have to do to lose weight is consume less calories than you burn!" Yeah... easier said than done. My problem was that I KNEW what to do - I was educated! Doing it was a completely different issue! I was, quite literally, addicted to food.

Skinny Fiber was the answer for me for my junk food cravings. It was comical (but not funny!) how much I snacked. You know when they portray a fat person eating all the time? That was me. I "couldn't" stop, I felt powerless, and I had felt that way my entire life. I wondered what it meant to be "normal".

In comes Skinny Fiber and within 2 days I thought, "Woah, I feel different!" 9 months later and I haven't messed up once. I am a new person. I feel "normal". I feel so good!

Also, BIG part is drinking your water! I cannot stress that enough! Half of your bodyweight in ounces, so 200 pounds = 100 oz. A healthy body is a hydrated body!

Here's a side by side I posted yesterday. On the left I had already been on SF for a month and had lost like 20 pounds (but I don't really "count" it as I believe it was "gunk" weight). I've lost a total of 63 pounds! Woohoo! I started doing Zumba 4x per week at the beginning of March.

Order your Skinny Fiber here
Green Smoothies are a great way to get your veggies.

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Jessica is an amazingly strong woman and looks AMAZING!! Are you ready yet?!
Learn more here:

"My name is Jessica for those of you who do not know me and I am 27 years old My Journey continues with Skinny Fiber!! I have had an amazing little boy @ 9lbs 3ozs and 2 beautiful twin girls @ 6lbs 3 ozs & 4lbs 9ozs. Now I am currently expecting a little boy as well One of my baby girls became Angel after 7 months here on Earth. Even though we knew we were blessed to get the 7 months we did with her I fell into a pretty deep depression and food seem to be the only thing to make me feel better when in all reality it was making things worse. Skinny FIber helped me get back my happy personality and finally I felt good about myself again!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this supplement and the fact it is all natural and safe during my pregnancy and while I will be breastfeeding It has helped with my depression, anxiety and maintains my appetite so I do not over eat to feel miserable later!! I stopped taking Skinny Fiber after about 6 months into it and did not start taking it again until I was around 5 months pregnant and simply to help my body to get use to being back on it as well as maintaining my appetite. i know I am pregnant but you can still overeat and I do not like the feeling. I also noticed my moods have been different since off Skinny Fiber. Once I started back on it within a week I felt better and my husband even noticed a difference I lost over 25 lbs the HEALTHY way with Skinny Fiber and only took me 90 Days!! I was overweight for over a year and a half and ONLY took me 90 DAYS to get smaller than I had ever been! How long are you willing to give it? With Skinny Fiber it helps you lose the weight your body NEEDS to lose THE RIGHT & HEALTHY WAY!! I went from a size 11/12 to a size 3 just shortly after my 90 Day Challenge! I only dieted very minimally by cutting out soda and watching my carb intake. I walked maybe 15-20 4-5 times a week!! Remember EVERY ONE is different but Skinny Fiber is a lifestyle change and CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE if you just stay dedicated and consistent Start your 90 Day Challenge today!! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE so nothing to lose except inches and pounds!!" ORDER HERE:

~Jessica had approval from her Dr. to take Skinny Fiber, as it is all natural. I feel that it is best for you to also get approval from your Dr. to make sure you are doing what is best for you and baby~


I am Judian and this is my 2 month's update: Skinny fiber is doing it for me. Since taking it, i now sleep like a baby (literally); i wake up feeling well rested with a lot of energy. My doc has approved the capsules & has taken me off bp meds; i now take 1 tablet instead of 4. The inches & pounds are going as i can now wear clothes that could not fit 2 years ago. I still have a month to go in my 90 days challenge & i am very encouraged. People are noticing the changes too! Skinny fiber for life - if i can, so can you.

I forgot to mention that i have not exercised neither have i gone on a diet. I just eat less because i feel so full & my craving for sweets is almost non-existent.╔═════════════ ೋღ ღೋ ══════════════╗
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ANY ORDER PLACED TODAY ON MY WEBSITE will receive either a Heart Shaped Pill Holder or a Water Bottle Both Say Skinny Fiber!!!!!!!!!!!!
***ALSO Did you know that for the month of April ... I am giving you the chance of a lifetime.. the chance to earn UNLIMITED income...just helping others lose while you lose... no inventory to have to stock.... I am not one to brag or say much about my pay .. but do you realize that for the cost of one bottle a month I am make several THOUSANDS of $$$ a month... thats right ... and I am offering to PAY YOU to start up as a distributor CrAZy GOOD.... You are already taking skinny fiber anyway... CONTACT ME.... I AM READY to HELP YOU... All I need is your ID # or user name and I can upgrade you...if you havent ordered yet and want to become a distributor while you order... I will re imburse you the start up fee

"If you’ll live in faith, God will turn your handicap around for your good. He will transform it into an asset. There are no disadvantages with your God. You have everything you need to succeed!" Joel Osteen
Life is a matter of choices.... and The CHOICE IS YOURS
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Skinny Fiber Success Melanie!!!! Wooohoooo

My name is Melanie and this is my Skinny fiber Story.
Sorry about the “before” picture, I had a better one but my computer crashed and I lost all my pictures. So, this first one was taken at Christmas last year. I have always hated my picture taken yikes lol Oh well.
I have been on a perpetual diet my whole adult life and have lost weight on every one of them. Who hasn't? The thing is. I could never keep it off. So I started the life of the YOYO dieter. You may have heard of this life style, lol up down, up down, up down……. I have been up to 192 lb. and as low as 103 lb. but I could never maintain my lower weight, and the older I got the harder it was.
I saw an ad in November for Skinny Fiber on FB.
Me not being a patient kind of gal, I messaged the person selling the SF and asked her if it was possible to get a bottle from her because I wanted to try it right away. She actually met up with me and I got my first bottle of Skinny Fiber within 3 days after taking the SF I noticed I was not hungry!! I hadn't snacked in the evening (my worse time of day) either! Yay That was the end of November and now it’s April and I’m down 20 LB.!!!! That was my goal!!!! I went from a 12/14 to a 6/8. Now that's what I'm talking about!! Love it! I will never be without it again. As I said I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. I have been on every diet out there and have taken every diet product known to man! (not kidding).
I've tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Soup Diet, Prescription Drugs, Supplements, Starvation (I once went 35 days with no food!!!), HCG, Sensa, Low Carb etc. etc. etc. I have spent thousands of dollars and gained and lost hundreds of pounds over the years. Over the past couple of years I lost 25 lb gained a few of them back then lost some more…. you know the story, but I just couldn't get rid of this last 20!!!
With Skinny Fiber I didn't change the way I ate either! I have been a low carb eater for about 8 years. I had a phobia about eating carbs lol I find that now, if I want a something I just have it, I’m not scared that I’ll gain weight if I have “A chocolate!” or “A piece of Pizza!” I can control what I eat because I’m not Starving!!! It’s so easy to maintain my weight with SF. Because I feel full!! I don’t crave sweets or junk all the time!! I don’t do a lot of exercise either, because of a bad accident I was in a few years back.
I love Skinny Fiber so much I became a Distributor!!! I want everyone who has experienced what I have, to be able to lose that weight! I have missed out on sooo many things because of my weight issues and have cried many a tear too. If you have been there, done that and are sick of the same ole same ole…why not give Skinny Fiber a try???? What Do You have To Lose??? Except that extra weight!!!!
This is the easiest thing I have ever done! 2 caps of Skinny Fiber + Water, 2 times a day= weight loss. It will never be any easier than this! I look forward to my next goal 10 more lb Wish me luck.. who am I kidding I don’t need luck!! Just my Skinny Fiber
I am a Skinny Fiber Lifer!!!! It has a 30 day empty bottle guarantee. And it’s all Natural!
You just can't beat that.
Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

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WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
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