Monday, June 30, 2014

This is one of my Family's FAV's I made this the other night and they just LOVE IT ENJOY and dont forget to share

Lisa's Broccoli & Cauliflower Salad

2 cups Cauliflower
2 1/2 cups Broccoli
10 slices of crisp cooked bacon chopped up
1 cup raisins
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup red onion chopped
1/2 cup Mayo
5 tablespoons white vinegar
1/4 cup white sugar
Mix all dressing ingredients and set aside.
Cut up broccoli and cauliflower into bite size pieces, add rest of the ingredients, pour dressing and mix well. Refrigerate till ready to use

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Just stop! Take a moment to think before you act so that you are in control of yourself, your emotions and your responses. It is easy to justify unpleasant or rude behavior with excuses of being tired, overworked, or stressed. Sometimes we take out the irritations of the moment or the day on our family, children, co-workers, or even the family pet. What is the emotional tone of your family or your life? Is it harsh, cold, unforgiving, withdrawn, or warm, loving, open and embracing?

Take time each day to build and generate new verbal and non-verbal responses that will allow you to build your capacity to be a gentler, kinder, more compassionate, peaceful and loving person. This is a skill set that takes intentional rehearsal and practice ~ just like playing sports or working out. If you find yourself acting often out of irritation, anger, or even rage, reflect on what excuse you use to make someone else the brunt of your bad attitude or worse ~ your bad behavior. Decide that no excuse is worth the cost of emotional venting in public or in private ~ especially on those you love. Do the hard work and the heart work to hold yourself to a higher standard. Raise the bar on yourself, your attitude and your behavior!! You have something special! You have GREATNESS within you! ~Les Brown

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Tracy's thyroid meds reduced by half! Now that's AMAZING!
Tracy, you have done fantastic!!!
In the before picture i was tipping the scales at 215lbs.. the heaviest I had ever
been in my life .... then last year I decided to gain control of my life and my weight... I was so unhappy... high cholesterol... hypothyroid.. feeling pretty much like crap.. I ate whatever I wanted to and was so unhappy with myself... I decided to start my lifestyle change doing Atkins and it was awesome!
I lost 50lbs.. and the hit a stall.. the weight wasn't moving at all.. I had a friend that was taking Skinny Fiber and I was so skeptical.. so i watched for a good month and saw all these awesome people dropping pounds and inches I just had to try it....after all it comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee and you know what? It has been the best decision in my life.
After losing the weight for the first time in 16 yrs my thyroid medications have been lowered in half!!!! And my Cholesterol is now in the normal range and am hoping to be off the awful Statin medication by my next blood test!!! I have energy and feel awesome! I have also lost 20 lbs and 37 inches since starting Skinny Fiber! It has been a essential help in my weight loss! I am down 70lbs!!!
Order your Skinny Fiber
↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓
SPECIAL!!! $59.95 per bottle or
Buy 2 get 1 FREE! $119.90 (comes out to $40 per bottle)
Buy 3 get 3 FREE! $179.85 (comes out to $30 per bottle)
You can order here!
( can earn commissions for an extra one time $10)
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

I bet you know 3....Are YOU looking to make some extra $$$$ for summer vacation.. back to school .. or just to supplement your income... I have your answer... Next week is my 2 year anniversary with Skinny Body Care... It has CHANGED our lives....


#hollyshelpinhand #teamhollyc

Saturday, June 28, 2014

"Don’t drive on the freeway and see only the potholes and traffic. Train yourself to see the things that are good." Joel Osteen
Now this one can be hard.. you have to train yourself to see the good... our life is a lesson... we are to learn and help others...You ask.. "HOW" well this is just my way... I see with my heart.. now how does that make since... means I CHOOSE ...there is always good in every situation/person.. sometimes it is really HARD to find it.. sometimes it doesn't come to you at the very time its happening.. but give it a bit of time ...avoid negative people and situations.. Protect YOUR heart.... Luke 6:45
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I'm never a failure, unless I quit trying, and neither are you." Joyce Meyers
We are so quick to beat ourselves up when something doesn't happen as fast or the way we think it should.... Key words in this statement are "we think".... we live in a fast paced,,,disposable world ...and have lost our patience to succeed... We need to stop beating ourselves up... I am the worlds worst....most things are fixable with a bit of effort and time...Positive self talk ...because what YOU are telling yourself is what YOU will become<3

Thursday, June 26, 2014

"Rise up in faith and declare that this is your time. Don’t settle where you are. Don’t let excuses hold you back. Today, take steps of faith to pursue new opportunities and get rid of wrong mindsets." Joel Osteen
Have you ever wanted to do something really bad.. BUT you talk yourself out of it... make up excuses... then start believing them....don't settle... if you have a desire for something Step out in Faith... trust God.... trust that first gut instinct (it's your holy spirit)... <3
#hollyshelpinhand #teamhollyc

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's never too late for you to begin again, but don't think for one minute that when you step out to try that the enemy won't take a step against you to try to drive you back. " Joyce Meyers
You have heard it...ARM yourself with YOUR suit of Armour....Salvation... Righteousness...Truth...Spirit...Faith.. Peace...
I know I know.. easier said than done... some of the suit is very easy to wear each day and some.. well its a struggle... my own I struggle with Truth and Peace.. now I am not meaning telling people the truth.. I struggle with my own self talk.. and in turn it disrupts my peace...I go through times I am very down on myself.. when that happens its a spiral effect and I lose my Joy...My best thing I can do for myself is look myself straight in the eye in the mirror and say... YOU are beautiful and YOU are worth it...God Loves YOU... TRY IT...and also to help with Peace... ridding ourselves of negativity... thats a hard one.. but that helps the whole suit too... Have a GREAT Day
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Christina's Update!! WTG

3 months, 19 pounds down and COUNTLESS inches gone. Fibromyalgia pain is almost non existant. Gas and bloating is gone! I feel amazing in my clothes

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Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly

Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's's hard changing your life. It's hard picking up the pieces and starting all over again. It's hard getting your mind together after you've gone through a life shaking experience (being a primary caregiver for someone; hearing a diagnosis you didn't want; starting over again from a loss of any kind; being alone in a new place; wanting a friend.) But you can do hard. You can weather the storm. You will come through this.

Affirm to yourself every day ~ several times a day. No matter how hard it gets...I'm going to make it!! Stand up inside yourself and look yourself in the eyes..and say "I can do hard!!" Exercise, pray, seek solitude, allow for periods of sadness...but know that you will get through this. Keep the faith; continue to work; and expect to make it through. You may not be able to change your circumstances or situation...but, you can change yourself! Hold on. You can do hard! You have GREATNESS within you!! Les Brown
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Just in from Tracy!!!

"Ok guys my Name is Tracy,
And this is my story, before I found this product called" Skinny Fiber " I must say I stop caring about my weight since the doctor always had given me a good and clean bill of health. I notice that i really was in a great deal of depression after losing my mother and it was like know one cared so why should I. I've always pretty much have had or gotten anything that I wanted due to I've pretty much have always had good paying jobs so I started looking over the weight I had put on, then I started noticing these post of this product Skinny Fiber always coming onto my timeline and like so many others I made excuses on why I was gone start, then I put it in my head that it cost to much, not really realizing that all the junk that I wad putting into my body was much more expensive. So then I decide to give it a try and see where it lands me since it wasn't a diet and I thank God that I did cause I was weighing 207 lbs when I started and now I weigh 176 the total weight I've lost in 90 days is 31 lbs. And 12.86 inches and will be starting my second 90 day challenge on tomorrow.I was in sz.16 and now in a sz.12 and very much so Proud of myself and so motivated. I want to share this with as many people as I can because" Skinny Fiber flat out works so don't be in doubt give it a try and you will truly be happy that you did!!!

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#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Daphne is rocking it with Skinny Fiber!!! You GO GIRL!!

She says..
"I personally have gone from 194 to 163, so that is a total of 31 lbs. I have much more energy and feel GREAT! When I started Skinny Fiber I was a size 18-20. I never thought I would be wearing a size 12-14!!!"

Order your all natural Skinny Fiber today!! Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Buy 3 Get 3 FREE!!
Click here:

- Our Industry-Leading Weight Loss Tracking System
- Weight Loss Support Groups to Meet Others Just Like You
- Tips and Strategies to Make Your Results Even Greater
- Simple Exercise Tips
- Easy Nutrition Tips
- Support and Motivation Tips
- SO MUCH MORE! You are never alone on your journey

#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly #teamhollyc
Bloom where you are planted. You can’t fight your way to happiness. Wherever you are, know that you have been put there for a reason.~Joel Osteen
You know hubby and I were chatting last night...he had been around a couple yesterday that constantly bicker and fight....never happy...but yet they have EVERYTHING ...very well off... but as we both said they have everything but they are to blind to see it..see money can't buy happiness comes from doesn't matter if you have the best this world has to offer and a huge bank account... if you don't Love yourself and find happiness from non material things... you are gonna be miserable and in turn make everyone you come in contact miserable....Material things are not why we were put on this earth...we were put here to learn and help others.... Have a Great Day and remember to SMILE

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's up to YOU... doesn't matter what we are talking about... what your desire is...all that matters is if you want it.. you have to set your mind have heard it before nothing worth having comes easy...or how about this one.... quitters never win and winners never quit.... I could go on and on with sayings.. they are true....but in the end you have to quit making excuses and know that it's all up to YOU
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Hahaha Yes there are days like this... Feel Free to SHARE this..
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Friday, June 13, 2014

OMGEEEEEE Sarah... You Look AMAZING!!!!
I started using skinny fiber last year. At the weight of 289 lbs I had literally tried EVERYTHING! out there on the market. Nothing worked like skinny fiber. In my first 90 days I lost 75 lbs. I DID NOT work out. I drank half my body weight in water every day! I had to stop using skinny fiber in May of 2014 because I had brain surgery. In that month I gained back alot of my weight due to depression from pain but I got bk on June 1st and have lost 10 lbs. Since.... I love skinny fiber. I am proof that u can gradually and slowly loose weight in a healthy way even after surgery.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Healthy Tips For Your Thyroid
Did you know the # of thyroid problems has doubled in the last decade.. here are some tips to help and a way to see if you are low in's a mineral our bodies need to produce thyroid hormone... and when it is messed up our whole body is out of whack.. weight problems is only one of the symptoms!
#1 Eat leafy greens..kale, broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts 1 cup a day
#2 20 mins of Meditation each day can help with tiredness
#3 Coconut Oil Increases fat burn and will rev up your T4
#4 Use Iodized Salt (I like Pink Himalayin 1/2 tsp a day)
#5 Watch your scratch -free pans.. replace them as soon as they show damage.. the chemicals that leak out can cause your thyroid to not function correctly
#6 Avoid Cigarette smoke.. the chemicals in cigarette smoke block the iodine receptors..

***Here is How to test to see if your Iodine level is low...
Rub Iodine on the underneath part of your arm...if your skin quickly soaks it up and leaves no yellow color..your iodine levels are low..***
Source of article. Woman's World
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Monday, June 9, 2014

OMG Roxann.. You are doing AMAZING.. Thanks for sharing !!!!!
Hey everyone I wanted to share my latest pic because I just cant believe it is me! I am down 26 pounds and 21 inches since Oct 2013. I just love Skinny Fiber and how it has helped me
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Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly

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Curried Cauliflower

This is really good.. last night my hubby who is a beef eater...skipped seconds on roast and had a big 2nd helping of this!!!!
You will need:
1 cauliflower(I used a med. size head) cut into florets
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups water
1 10 3/4 oz can of cream of chicken soup
1 cup (4oz) of shredded cheddar cheese
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp curry powder
1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs
3 tblsp. butter
Combine cauliflower, salt and water in a large pan.. bring to a boil... Cook 8 min. or until tender, drain.. Place Cauliflower in a lightly greased, shallow 2 qt casserole
Combine soup, cheese, mayo, curry powder.... Spoon over cauliflower...
Combine breadcrumbs and melted butter.... Sprinkle over soup mixture
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min.
6-8 servings

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Mound's Cake

You will Need :
1 Devil's Food Cake Mix
2 cups sugar (divided)
24 large marshmallows
1 1/2 cups milk (divided)
14 oz pkg. coconut
1 stick of butter
1 1/2 cups of chocolate chips
Mix and bake cake according to package directions. Combine 1 cup of sugar, marshmallows and 1 cup of milk in a med. saucepan...cook over low heat until marshmallows are melted..... Stir in coconut and spread on top of warm cake
Mix butter 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup milk in a small saucepan.. bring to a boil...stir in chocolate chips and spread over coconut mixture.
Also Good refrigerated!

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I have heard these things are really bad these days!!!!!

Please *SHARE* this so you can *SAVE* this great tip to your page!

Time for vacations and travel to favorite places, so when you travel if you stay in
motels or hotels, there have been reports of Bed Bugs in even some of the best.
Please pass on. Everyone needs this helpful hint....

Homemade Bed Bug Spray

1 cup water
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops rosemary essential oil
3 drops clove essential oil (optional)

Put into a fine mist sprayer, shake well, and spray on mattresses, furniture, and other items that are (or could be) infested. Don't forget to spray around your luggage and clothes when you put them in your room, to discourage any hitchhiker bugs.

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Good morning. It's a great day to choose to be happy and grateful for the blessing in our lives. God has blessed me beyond compare and I am thankful each day for all of you and pray for blessings and happiness to fill your lives. Let's have an awesome day!

Friday, June 6, 2014

We have so much Faith in Skinny Fiber and your commitment to the 90 day challenge that we now have a 90 day money back guarantee!!!
Are YOU ready to do your 90 days.. Go here
(clear your cookies on your computer and make sure it says my name at the top when ordering Thks)

#skinnyfiberdirectholly #hollyshelpinhand #teamhollyc
*This homemade version works fabulously!
1 Cup Oxyclean*
1 Cup Febreze*
1 Cup Distilled White Vinegar
Pour contents into shampooer tank and mix with hot water to fill tank completely. This will not only clean your carpets it will also deodorize. It will smell slightly of vinegar until the carpet is dry, then will smell like febreeze...
Be sure to test spot with the solution just to be safe, however this should be safe for ALL carpets.
Follow or add me I am always up to something..

#hollyshelpinhand #teamhollyc
* Homemade Febreze ***

What you'll need:
1/8 Cup of fabric softener
2 tablespoons Baking Soda
Hot tap water
Spray bottle


Using a funnel, pour fabric softener and baking soda into your spray bottle. Fill spray bottle with hot tap water and shake well. Don't forget to twist the nozzle over to the LOCK position if you're using a Febreze bottle, or you might fall on your hiney. Now go spray every fabric surface in your house and take a nap on your very comfortable and now un-stinky couch.

Store-bought Febreze: $5.59
Homemade Febreze: $0.15
Total Savings: $5.44 OR 97.3%!

Help your friends Save $$ Share this photo!
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Thursday, June 5, 2014

OH Do I have something Special to share with you all! I know by now you have seen the pictures of the Skinny Fiber before and afters I share, well we are going one step farther. We will be doing a video series so you can see the person and hear their story! Todays story is Angie, she was gracious enough to be our first guest. Please let me know what you think. And if you are interested in learning more about Skinny Fiber please send me a private message.


#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly #teamhollyc

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cool as a Cucumber Salad

Share so you will have later to prepare
In a Med bowl cut up
1 med onion
3 med tomatoes
2 avocados
1 large cucumber

In a small bowl mix
1/2 cup of safflower oil
1/4 cup Apple cide vinegar
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp basil
Add to veggies and mix well
Best after refrig. for a few hours

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OMG Goood... Wilted Lettuce
Share so you will have to prepare later
You will need:
Lettuce or mixed greens
4 to 8 pieces of cooked bacon
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1tsp sugar or stevia
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
6 green onions
2 hard boiled eggs
While the grease is hot from your bacon.. add the vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper , chopped onions... stir well... pour over lettuce that you have already crumbled your bacon on... mix well .. add sliced eggs.... mix ... Enjoy

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

This is Denise .. OMG WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO and Here is what she says
" I have been using Skinny Fiber for 10 and a half months, give or take a day or so. I started out back in July as one very miserable person. I was not only overweight, I was on a lot of medications and really did not think that Skinny Fiber was going to work, but I decided to try it anyway. I have not weighed myself in awhile, the last time I did I had lost somewhere around 34 pounds, I am not sure if I have lost any more pounds, but I have lost inches as the pants that you see me in are 2 sizes smaller and getting very loose. The shirt actually is getting baggy and it was tight in the first picture. I do not know how many inches as I did not measure, like I said I did not think it would work, luckily I did take the before pictures.
When I started on Skinny Fiber I was on a pretty high dose of Blood Pressure medication, I am completely off that since January. I was also on a depression medication and I have been off that since some time last Fall. I was on 225 mg of Thyroid medication and I am down to 150 mg. as of about 2 weeks ago. I was on several different pain meds as I have Fibromyalgia along with disc issues in my back, I am on minimum amounts now, mostly when I sleep as that is always a problem for people with Fibromyalgia. Oh and the sleep, I sleep much better, and I wake up and am ready to take on the day, instead of being sleepy and tired most of the day. No more afternoon naps, which had become a regular thing for the last few years.
I still have some inches and pounds to go, but I did not gain the weight in a short period of time and I will get it off. For the first time in a long time, I totally believe that. Skinny Fiber has literally saved my Life! Before I started using Skinny Fiber I really did not have much quality of life, now I can do things that I have not been able to do for a long time, like walk my dogs for more than a block without being in a lot of pain. I also am able to stand for longer periods, and just enjoy time with my Family and not be thinking about getting somewhere to get off my feet or take a nap.
I have started traveling again, and I am looking forward to a trip to Las Vegas in August! I can honestly tell you that if you have any reason to want to lose some excess inches and pounds, you really owe it to yourself to try Skinny Fiber! I did, "and I am so very Thankful that I did!"

Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee!

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Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 30 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly
“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.”
Don't you care enough about yourself to give it all you can?
I know you have family that needs you... do it for them until you feel you are worth it. If you are not your best, how can you possibly give your best to those who count on you??
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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ohhh My what a GREAT breakfast idea for low carb.. could make and freeze

Share so you will have the recipe to prepare later

Low Carb Breakfast Balls

2 lbs bulk pork sausage
1 lb ground beef
3 eggs
2 tablespoons dried onion flakes
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 lb sharp cheddar cheese, shredded


Mix all the ingredients together until thoroughly blended (it is best to use your hands or an electric mixer).
Form into about 4 dozen 1 to 1 1/2 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet or broiler pan.
Bake at 375°F for about 25 minutes.
Once they are cool, they can be sorted into individual zip bags and frozen for a grab-and-go breakfast.
NOTE: for Scotch Eggs, mold a bit of the raw meat mixture around a peeled hard-boiled egg (or eggs) and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.
Recipe from

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