Sunday, July 13, 2014

Love stories like this!!

Kimberly :
"My first 90 day challenge!I am so happy and excited that I'm doing this with such great people!
Before I started Skinny Fiber I just kept gaining weight. I gained 60 pounds since my RNY in 2008. I knew I was eating bad and just kept on doing it! I kept seeing a dear facebook friend who was losing and selling Skinny Fiber. I talked to her about it a few times and mulled it over for about a month. Then I thought what the heck, why not try one more thing! I went to place the order and saw that for $10 more I could be a distributor too. The company looked good and provided all the tools I would need! Why not earn some extra cash and lose some pounds too! I really had no desire or plan to go on a DIET! I just started taking the pills and drinking my water. Before I knew it I was not getting up and going to the vending machine at work, and I quit snacking through out the day. I had to "remind" myself to eat again! Woot Woot! Now on day 89 of my 90 Day Challenge I have lost 14 pounds and 6.75 inches!!! I could tell in my clothes, but was VERY HAPPY when I saw the pics side by side tonight!!!!
══════ ☆ GET STARTED ON YOUR 90 DAY CHALLENGE!! ☆ ══════


Want to Earn some Extra Income.. Take this FREE tour

WE have several packages for Skinny Fiber. 1 bottle is 59.95, buy 2 get 1 free is 119.95 and the buy 3 get 3 (best value) is 179.99. They all come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy within 90 days just mail back your empty bottle and any remaining unopened bottles for a full refund..
#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly

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