Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"When it comes to attitude, you have a choice. Nobody can force you to have a certain attitude. Life will go so much better if you will simply choose to have a positive attitude. When you wake up in the morning, choose to be happy, choose to be grateful for the day. Choose to focus on your possibilities. A good attitude doesn't come automatically you have to choose to be positive. A negative attitude will limit your life. Choose to be positive "~ Joel Osteen
Ever wake up in the morning and your first thought is "Am I Happy today or in a bad mood"....wondering what was my mood when I went to bed.... I know it sounds silly...but there have been times in my life I have thought's a CHOICE...YOUR very own CHOICE....I know life is not problem or stress free OH MY HOW I know...we ALL have it... the difference is HOW we CHOOSE to deal with it.... do YOU look at each day as the world is out to get you...everything is against you... poor pitful me OR do you Look at life as...yes there are problems...I will work through them.. they are lessons for me to learn??? It's YOUR choice...HAPPINESS is not a destination.. it's a journey... and it's much better to take that journey in Joy that being miserable and making everyone around your miserable

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