Monday, July 7, 2014

"You can't have peace with people 'til you have peace with yourself." Joyce Meyers
Are you always grumpy and fighting with friends/family...always unhappy ...good chance its not them it could be will not be peaceful and happy with anyone until you have found peace within yourself....Happiness comes from within... it doesn't come from "Retail Therapy" as some call doesn't come from you expecting others to MAKE you happy... NOTHING can bring YOU peace but YOURSELF ...Don't get caught in the past.. I know it may be painful.. but it's gone....Don't Stress about the's not even here and whatever you are stressing about may NEVER happen..worrying and stress is like Paying rent on an empty lot...Live in the present... make it beautiful... don't let others behavior ruin your CAN NOT control others EVERY move...Nor should you try.. it steals YOUR PEACE..<3

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