Thursday, October 30, 2014

So I have this little group just for people who are sharing the opportunity and for people who have ordered Phytalive and ImmuniPro from me...The subject of weight being lost and inches just falling off from simply just taking Phytalive and ImmuniPro has come up SEVERAL times.. SEVERAL are seeing results.. including myself I had been on a plateau... Today one of our founders Nick Mangeris addressed it.. WOW. .. HOW exciting is this ..
Hi .. YES!!! and YES!!! and YES!!! While ImmuniPro has not been formulated to suggest "Weight Loss," with the results of increased Probiotic Activity in the Gut, we are getting several comments regarding BOTH, a reduction in physical inches (primarially in the mid-section of Men and Women) AND actual loss of pounds. The loss in actual pounds is coming from ImmuniPro's dramatically improved Gut activity and subsequent removal of unhealthy waste matter. The explanation for the loss in inches requires considerable more space than is permitted here. Just NOTE that it IS REAL and VERY HEALTHY! Nick Mangeris

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