Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When the Devil Comes Callin' - A poem by Brad McClain
When the devil comes callin', you'd best know what to do,
'Cause he's got some trouble that he wants to give you.
You might think it's easy, with his horns, tail and smoke,
To know when he's comin', but this is no joke.
When he really wants you, he'll ride a nice horse,
His saddle's real shiny, and he's handsome, of course.
His spurs are a-jingling, he's pressed nice and neat.
His voice is so soothing, you'll swear that he's sweet.
Or maybe a woman, all flirty and fun,
She's sexy and tempting, so you better just run.
He comes on all happy, shows you the best,
But he never is truthful, and hides all the rest.
The pain and the heartbreak, the guilt and regret,
The time that is wasted, what can't be reset.
And after he's stolen the best of your years,
You're busted and broken, and cried all your tears,
He'll cast you aside, on that you can bet,
Rode hard to disaster, and turn you out wet.
God's Word clearly tells us, when satan appears,
He'll look like an angel, let those with ears, hear.
He tries to fool us, with his lying ways.
And that's why God's people should wise up and pray.
Put on God's armor, wear each piece in place.
Be strong in the Lord, and trust in His grace.
When he tries to condemn what you did in the past,
Remind him of his future, and that God's Word will last.
Best of all just remember, when he comes to your door,
Let Jesus deal with him, and he'll hit the floor.
'Cause greater is He that lives within you,
Than any old devil. So rise up, it's true!
"Greater is He that is you, than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
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