Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"David says in Psalm 23:4, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” He didn’t say, “I stay in the valley, I build my house in the valley, I live in the valley.” No, he said in effect, “I’m coming out of the valley.” The valley is temporary." Joel Osteen
Are YOU in a valley... have ya set up camp there or do YOU know it can get better if YOU keep walking...Life is full of valleys but knowing that they are only temporary is what keeps us going...oh goodness ya can't build your camp there and have pity parties each day...I know some of those valleys are larger than others...some are VERY dark and seem like you will never see light....I just climbed out of one myself...only to get a disappointment this morning...but I KNOW that God has a plan...when things don't work like WE want them to... we need to refer back to Psalm 46:10 "Be Still and Know That I Am God"....NOW that doesn't mean camp and have a pity party that means STOP trying to control and fix everything and everyone around ....He will SHOW you the way... Lessons can be Learned<3

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