Monday, August 18, 2014

"Just because you’re a person of faith doesn’t exempt you from difficulties. The enemy may hit you with his best shot, but because your house is built on the rock, his best will never be enough. When the storm is over, you’ll come out stronger, increased, promoted, better off than you were before." Joel Osteen
Ya know I think when you are a person of Faith it becomes harder ... more difficulties because it then becomes a struggle.. the Devil has to through his two cents in and start messing with ya.. Stand Strong...don't let him fill your head with garbage...Walk in Faith even when you don't "FEEL" like it...cause in these struggles are lessons we are to learn... can't tell ya the lessons are always good or fun or make you feel all warm and fuzzy.. many times you will be like WHY Lord... Where Are YOU... I Promise HE is there....and WILL BE ..HE will Carry you through...Stand Strong
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