Sunday, September 7, 2014

A friend was telling me this story....
"I very clearly remember having my 2nd grade class hear from the school nurse that I weighed 100 pounds when most of them weighed around 80. The gasps and giggles still ring in my head. Being the fat kid is unhealthy and demoralizing. Skinny Fiber can help children and teens lose weight safely! "
I totally remember what it was like to grow up the fat kid...I had some Great friends ....BUT I totally was picked on by the boys....I would cry myself to sleep every night...sometimes gasping for air I would cry so this day no matter what size I am ... I have scars from it... I will never forget the mean teasing...lets help our youth so they don't go through what many of us did....
#1 Skinny Fiber can help them fill up so they eat less... its totally safe.. no stimulants.. can even open it and mix in applesauce or water
#2 STOP the fast food JUNK... yes I know its easier and in this fast paced world we live in I KNOW its hard to put a healthy meal on.. but look around society... YOU SEE what the results are! Processed and chemically enhanced foods are killing us...we HAVE to stop all the junk and get back to basics on our eating... just have to.. I could go on and on about the chemicals...and the things they cause...
#3 Get them moving... again ... look around our society.... everyone has their face buried in phones, ipads, tablets, xbox.. you name it...we need to wake up...
You know maybe being that FAT kid isn't as abnormal as it was when I was a kid... but its still just as unhealthy...
Clear YOUR COOKIES on your computer and then go to my website to order

#skinnyfiberdirectholly, #teamhollyc, #hollyshelpinhand

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