Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ohhh This one is Sooo Easy!!!
Be sure to share to save and follow me for more great recipes.. I have TONS more personal ones in my photo albums
Pumpkin Cake With Apple Cider Glaze
For the Cake You will need:
1 yellow cake mix
15 oz of pumpkin puree

For the Glaze You will need:
1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
3 tbsp apple cider
3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Using a mixer.. mix the cake mix and pumpkin .. it will be thick
Poor into a greased 11x7 pan
Bake at 350 for 28 to 30 min... or until done using the toothpick test
Cool for 10 min. and flip over on to a platter
Make your glaze by
Combining the powdered sugar, cider and spice.. it should be thick but pourable... and then pour it over the warm cake Enjoy
‪#‎pumpkinrecipes‬ ‪#‎thissideofthefence‬ ‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Attention Fibromyalgics DID you KNOW that one of the things our bodies does not do is process phosphate thru our kidneys correctly... and that causes us to be extremely tired and have pain... I have a daily regimen that has saved MY LIFE...First is I take my Skinny Fiber .. the reason I myself take skinny fiber is because it has the perfect blend of digestive enzymes that break the phosphate.. toxins up and move them thru... ... so that helps greatly.. THEN the 2nd and VERY IMPORTANT thing I do is take Liquid Nutrients and a Probiotic. Phytalive and ImmuniPro... I also have eliminated Salicylate Acid that is ...Aspirin from my life.. it is in most all personal hygiene I can honestly raise my right hand.. put it on my Bible whatever you want me to do or say but I Promise YOU this is what has saved my life... I have it back... I enjoy walking and yard work.. last night I cleaned and polished my car.. I am me again.. PLEASE let me help YOU
Message me I will talk with you can get you my links to order and get you on your right path to Enjoying Life again
‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎thissideofthefence‬ ‪#‎fibromyalgiahelp‬ ‪#‎salicylateacid‬ ‪#‎aspirin‬

Friday, September 26, 2014

"You can’t think thoughts of defeat and lack and expect to have abundance. You can’t talk mediocrity and expect to have victory. You are prophesying your future. If you want to see a shift occur in your own life, you’ve got to get in agreement with God." Joel Osteen
Ya ever heard.. what you think about you bring about... that mind of ours is VERY amazing.. and when we are down and grumpy and say ohhh this is bad and that is bad.. well guess what... its gonna be... Life is what you make it... we are not promised a perfect life.. I TOTALLY understand pain... loss... no $$$$... you name it.. I have been there and done that... but I GOT THROUGH... I CHOOSE not to stay in those situations... no matter HOW BAD something is...YOUR attitude towards it determines the outcome....BRING YOUR OWN SUNSHINE... Promise ya.. you will feel better and will help others
‪#‎thissideofthefence‬ ‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎fibromyalgia‬ ‪#‎depression‬ ‪#‎life‬ ‪#‎sunshine‬
Now let me tell ya... I LIKE oatmeal.. but I don't want to eat it by the cartons trying to lower my cholesterol ... and I SURE didn't want to go on a prescription that would have other effects on my body...but 6 months ago my blood work was showing elevated levels...well my grandma had hardening of the arteries ...Hardening of the arteries is a disorder in which arteries become narrowed because fat is first deposited on the inside walls of the arteries, then becomes hardened by fibrous tissue and calcification. ... so I am THANKFUL for the reading I do and for knowing that most sickness and ailments can be traced back to a vitamin/mineral deficiency I am being pro active and taking Liquid Nutrition and Probiotics to strengthen my core and get a healthy gut... sound weird... study gut nutrition... you will find that is they key to happy healthy living!!! WANT HELP.... MESSAGE ME... I will be glad to call YOU .. OHH OHHHH did I tell you after 3 months on Phytalive and ImmuniPro... my Cholesterol is PERFECT WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO
‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎thissideofthefence‬ ‪#‎cholesterol‬ ‪#‎arteries‬ ‪#‎corenutrition‬
Ok GOT some ExCiTiNg things going on Phytalive and ImmuniPro... Talked With Muriel she is LOVING Phytalive and ImmuniPro... got her some more ordered this morning... Talked To Dee.. Beth's hubby at lunch today and he said you know.. my pain is less and I am sleeping better... that stuff really helps.... and last night hubby and I were talking and you know he is not having to take his Allegra D and we had been so busy hadn't thought about.. he said his head feels clearer not all stopped up... Praises.. OH and then was talking with Terri and she is SO excited she got hers today and is excited to see how the calming efffects help her... WOOHOOOO You know until Greg mentioned the calming effects that they have .. I hadn't stopped and thought about it but OMGOSH I am sooooooooo much more relaxed than I used to be!!!!
Message Me.... I will HELP you ... Or go here to my website
‪#‎panicattack‬ ‪#‎chronicpain‬ ‪#‎sleep‬ ‪#‎allergy‬ ‪#‎fibromyalgia‬ ‪#‎depression‬ ‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎thissideofthefence‬ ‪#‎phytalive‬ ‪#‎immunipro‬
WoooohHOOOOOOO EYE SHADOW BLITZ!!!!!!! ORDER Before Sept 30th and Also Get a Free BLUSH
Under Mineral Makeup Kits there is the Eyeshadow kits -- add however many to the cart and then put the colors in the comments field <-- THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT! Because it is over $30 YOU can add the free blush as well. PLEASE TYPE add the text FREE BLUSH COLOR -- <color here> so that get's added. YIPEE SKIPEE!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Is YOUR hair dry... brittle.. falling out.... WELL I have spent my whole life in the beauty industry.. and 25 years as a shop owner/operator... I am Gonna REALLY open up something here BUT...did YOU know that YOU can NOT just keep dumping chemical treatments after chemical treatments on your hair and expect it to repair itself.. trimming helps yes.. BUT when you are putting product after product on you are just loading your body with more chemicals... and when I say chemicals I don't just mean perms/haircolor.. every product we use is made from chemicals.. trust me I have LIVED chemical Overload...and the end result is not pretty... you can become VERY ill... I have a solution... I want you to think about this...we can trace most sickness/illness/ailments back to a vitamin/mineral deficiency ....I can Help YOU... you say Ya Ya .. I heard it before... I AM SERIOUS... give me 60 to 90 days.. Lets change Your Life!!!! HMMMM you are thinking WHAT IF IT WORKS.... well I am TELLING YOU I PUT MY NAME on the LINE and THAT is ALOT.. I can't speak on something if I don't TOTALLY BELIEVE in it....So WHAT IF IT WORKS... YOU will NEVER know unless YOU TRY ....even brought me out of a very SERIOUS Depression.... MESSAGE ME... I will CALL YOU.. I WILL HELP YOU...
or you can GO HERE TO MY WEBSITE and order... then I will be here to HELP YOU
#dryhair #brittlehair #vitamins #minerals #phytalive #immunipro #hollyshelpinhand
OHHH MY... Pumpkin Butter Pie
Ok Here is the link to the recipe for the first part... you have to make the butter first....

Hubby says this is the BEST Pumpkin Pie he has ever had in his life
Soo all you do is take your pumpkin butter 1/2 pt = 8oz and 1 pt =16 oz
then you add your eggs and milk and mix well... I use a deep pan pie dish
Bake uncovered at 425 for 15 min... then reduce your heat to 350 .. bake for 45 min longer or until it appears firm
Thanks For sharing my recipes Be sure to Follow me for More Great things to come
#hollyshelpinhand #hollysrecipes #pumpkinbutter #pumpkinpie

Saturday, September 20, 2014

≥►.◄≤ OH MY.... ≥►.◄≤
Million Dollar Spaghetti Bake

Share to Save.. and be sure to FOLLOW me For MORE GREAT recipes

You will need:
16 oz spaghetti noodles
2lb jar of spaghetti sauce
1 1/2 pound of hamburger
1/2 cup of chopped onion
1/4 cup sour cream
8 oz cream cheese softened
1 cup cottage cheese
2/3 cup of parmesan cheese
2 cups of shredded cheddar/colby cheese

What You do:
Preheat oven to 350
Grease a 9 x 13 pan
Boil your noodles ..drain
Using a mixer combine, cream cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream
Brown your hamburger and onion.. drain... add sauce and stir
Layer you greased pan with half of the noodles
Top with parmesan cheese
Layer on the cream mixture
Top with remaining noodles
Spread sauce with hamburger over the top
Bake for 30 min... sprinkle 2 cups of cheese.. bake another 15 min.
Slice and Serve

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#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly #spaghettibake

Friday, September 19, 2014

Here is Krissy's update Look at the change!!
just wanted to give you the new me pic. Down from 176 pds to 145 pds. Went from size 13 to size 7, and still losing. I feel amazing. I highly recommend SKinny Fiber to anyone:) Thanks so much.
She is ROCKING... such a cutie !!!
Get 3 free months.... 90 day guarantee!!!
You will love Skinny Fiber -you can order here! Click ORDER HERE

If you're only going to be happy if everything happens your way, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment. A mature attitude is, “All is well when my prayers get answered, and all is well when they don’t.” ~Joel Osteen~
Oh this is so very true, life is hard thats a fact but its our attitude that makes it or breaks it. We all have been through some hard times in our lives, I know I SURE have but I have managed to stay positive in those hard times, oh yes I have cried, I have yelled, we all do, BUT I have prayed about every hard situation and ask God for the strength to get through it and when I noticed I was becoming to angry, I stopped and looked at the Blessings I have around me, it always puts a smile on my face, I then thank Him for showing me that I have many Blessings and I know that this tough spot will pass, and give it over to Him and ask Him to help me through it. God never EVER gives us these situations, you can bet He is JUST as sad as you are when you are going through these tough times, BUT he wants us to put our Trust and Faith in Him. I can tell you there were times I DIDN'T put my trust in Him and they were the most toughest times. I realized that I need His strength, to get through whatever it was I was going through and it usually ended up with me saying "OK God you win, I am putting my trust and faith in you, I am turning this over to you and I no longer am going to suffer because I can't change it, so I am putting it in your hands, and asking you to give me peace and comfort". And you know what, I did receive it, all I had to do was give it to Him and put my Trust in Him and have the Faith that it will work out and it ALWAYS does. Dont let your current or past situations make you bitter and angry. Let it go and give it to God. Your future has no room for you past, don't get stuck in a moment or time frame in your life that is over, you need to let it go. And if needed seek professional help to help you deal with it, you can't move on and enjoy your life if you're living in the past.
#trustinHim, #godisgood #Faith, #Trust #God #Jesus #life #Believe
I read this and I was like AMEN.... Approval isn't needed... I am WHO I am...Love me or Hate me... I am STILL gonna shine

If YOU like my posts PLEASE share them and FOLLOW ME

One of the hardest aspects of making positive changes in your life is dealing with other people. Your family, "friends" and colleagues. The people who believe that, because they're in your life, they have a say in what you do and that their opinion should always be considered.

But when it comes to you and your life, you are the only person who's opinion matters.

If you make the choice to create positive changes, for yourself, that is all that matters. You don't need anyone's approval, validation or support... and most of the time, you really should avoid it.

Why it Doesn't Matter What Other People Think

Sometimes people respond from a place of fear.

Most people are uncomfortable with change... so when you mix things up, they're not likely to be your biggest supporter. They're not used to your new style, interests or habits, and this is disruptive or uncomfortable. From this place of fear, they tend to nudge you back to their comfort zone.

Maybe your friends are playfully pressuring you to eat crappy food or have a drink, despite the fact that you've decided to shift to a more healthy lifestyle. Maybe your significant other doesn't like that fact that you joined a book club because they're insecure about you meeting other people. Maybe your family gives you a hard time about the job you took in another state because it means that they have to learn to deal with distance in your relationship.

It's selfish and does not have your best interests in mind. Be cautious of fear-based input.

Sometimes people just don't get it... and they don't get you.

If you've made the decision to make positive shifts and someone in your life is not supportive or is totally against the idea, they likely aren't someone who A) cares about your needs, or B) really gets you.

When people in your life get you, they'll be able to see your side, support you and will also cheer you on! These are the people that check in with you on your progress, find ways to motivate you, and care if you reach your goals.

People that aren't supportive and don't get you don't get to have a say in what you do. Ever.

You are the only person with an opinion that matters.

This is your life! Your body, your career, your time, and your happiness that's at stake. It's important to be considerate of other people in your life, but it comes down to what you want and what you need to be happy and healthy. The best way you can serve other people is to take care of yourself first.

When it comes to choices and change, always do a gut check. What do you want to do? What would make you feel joy, passion, healthy or on the right path? Do that. No other opinions needed.

#hollyshelpinhand #noapprovalneeded

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Isaiah put it this way, “Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord is upon you.” It doesn’t say, “The glory is going to come on you one day.” No, it says, “The glory of the Lord is already on you.” Joel Osteen
Stop sitting on your duff.. waiting for YOUR ship to come in... Get up... Its already docked... its up to you what YOU do with it..... Holding Grudges....Being miserable... doesn't hurt the ones you are upset only makes you full of hatred and unpleasant to be around...Same as Self Pity...what does it serve...nothing but the devil...ohhh when you are sitting around saying OH Poor Pitful me... he is Jumping up and down having a party .. its up to YOU to Arise and Shine.. no one can do it for you.. you can call 72 friends and tell them your problems... probably get 72 different responses... STOP talking about it to others... just magnifies them....Talk to the ONE ... HE is there HE will help you... Put your suit of armour on and LETS GO.... Have A GREAT DAY
#hollyshelpinhand #arise #shine

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oh this is so true, we all have a Journey we have walked and have no right to judge each other when we have NO idea what Journey that person has been through. Yep you may have heard things BUT you have NOT lived that life they are going through. So the next time you want to judge someone step into their shoes for awhile. I bet you will be surprised at what they are "REALLY" going through
#hollyshelpinhand #journey #path
Be sure to SHARE my posts and FOLLOW ME
"People may not approve you. Don’t worry about it. God approves you. People can’t stop the plan for your life." Joel Osteen
HEY YOU... Yes are not defined by what someone else thinks you should be....God made you special.. to walk and Shine in your own special way... if you are constantly trying to be someone else.. or wishing you looked like someone else or had the talents and gifts that God gave someone else... YOU are WASTING YOUR precious time..Self Confidence is one of the most beautiful things there is...Be Confident ... Be HAPPY... but most of all BE YOU
#hollyshelpinhand #confidence #happy #beauty

Sunday, September 14, 2014

MY WHY... Please take the time to Watch this <3
This has just been on my heart and this morning I want to share with you MY WHY for doing what I do....and in turn if I can just HELP one person then I am thankful for all I have been through to be able to ..Praise our Lord for he is good!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Greed is contagious. If we spend time with people who are prone to jealousy and greed, it will be easier for us to become jealous and greedy as well."
#hollyshelpinhand #people

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

There will always be people trying to pull you into the shallow waters, who criticize or find fault. Don't waste your time with that. Set your face like a flint and run your own race. ~Joel Osteen~
OH can I so relate to this So many times I have had people in my life who did this to me, and the hardest part it was loved ones, I was always trying to please and no matter what I did they always found fault with everything. Then one day I woke up and realized it was NOT me it was them, I wasted so many years of my life in turmoil trying to please BUT in reality, I never would. So I walked away, yes it was hard, oh you bet it was, BUT in the long run I came out better. I regained my self esteem, I became the person I was meant to be, and stopped second guessing myself all the time. Sometimes people have there own demons they are working on and because of it they will bring you down, yes its unfair, but you have to learn to recognise it and move on. It took me YEARS to see this because of the people who were doing this to me, I know I never did anything wrong as I had some really good friends who supported me and helped me to see this. If you are going through something similar to my experience, take a step back and try to set your own feelings aside and ask yourself, am I really doing such a bad job? The answer is probably NO. Dont try to change yourself because of others, God made you who you are and he wants the best for you. He want to see you come into full light, sometimes you need to break free from the bondage to become the person He wants you to be !!!!!!!!!
FOLLOW ME for daily motivation
#hollyshelpinhand #lonely

Monday, September 8, 2014

Pumpkin Cheesecake
Oh my!!!!! I like pumpkin pie, and I like cheesecake, So I LOVE this Pumpkin Cheesecake!!
1 1/4 cup finely chopped almonds or pecans
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup Truvia (or sweetener of your choice)*
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Mix and press into the bottom of a 9-inch pie pan.
Two 8 oz. packages cream cheese
3 /4 cup plus 4 Tbsp. Truvia (or sweetener of your choice)*
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
In large bowl, beat together cream cheese, 3/4 cup sweetener of your choice, eggs, and vanilla and salt. Spread 1-1/2 cups of batter over the crust. To the remainder of the batter, add pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, 4 Tbsp. sweetener of your choice. Beat together well. Spread evenly on top of the other batter. Set the cheesecake into a pan of water so it won't crack while being baked. Bake at 325° F for 1 hour or until nearly set. Cool cheesecake; chill in refrigerator for 4 hours until firm. Cut cheesecake into 12 servings.
Optional: you may add a no sugar added whipped cream and a drizzle of low carb caramel syrup if desired.
Note* I make my own sweetener of 2 cup xylitol and 8 Tbsp stevia blended into fine powder. Best sweetener ever!
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Sunday, September 7, 2014

A friend was telling me this story....
"I very clearly remember having my 2nd grade class hear from the school nurse that I weighed 100 pounds when most of them weighed around 80. The gasps and giggles still ring in my head. Being the fat kid is unhealthy and demoralizing. Skinny Fiber can help children and teens lose weight safely! "
I totally remember what it was like to grow up the fat kid...I had some Great friends ....BUT I totally was picked on by the boys....I would cry myself to sleep every night...sometimes gasping for air I would cry so this day no matter what size I am ... I have scars from it... I will never forget the mean teasing...lets help our youth so they don't go through what many of us did....
#1 Skinny Fiber can help them fill up so they eat less... its totally safe.. no stimulants.. can even open it and mix in applesauce or water
#2 STOP the fast food JUNK... yes I know its easier and in this fast paced world we live in I KNOW its hard to put a healthy meal on.. but look around society... YOU SEE what the results are! Processed and chemically enhanced foods are killing us...we HAVE to stop all the junk and get back to basics on our eating... just have to.. I could go on and on about the chemicals...and the things they cause...
#3 Get them moving... again ... look around our society.... everyone has their face buried in phones, ipads, tablets, xbox.. you name it...we need to wake up...
You know maybe being that FAT kid isn't as abnormal as it was when I was a kid... but its still just as unhealthy...
Clear YOUR COOKIES on your computer and then go to my website to order

#skinnyfiberdirectholly, #teamhollyc, #hollyshelpinhand
"There's something that happens in your heart when you reach out beyond yourself. There's nothing better than helping other people." Joyce Meyers..
The song Put me in Coach by John Fogerty has been on my mind all week...Born again.. there is a new grass on the field.... Put Me In Coach... I'm ready to Play Today... Yes the song was written about baseball BUT think about this for a minute...Are YOU born again... are YOU ready to help others.. to serve our Lord...Yesterday I attended a funeral service for a family members brother... It was one of the Most Beautiful services we have been to.. He was a pastor and his life was spent serving others...his words will live on in the hearts of many.
In the car ride after I looked at hubby and said...what will family say about us.. we aren't anything special...well this morning God answered that question to me.. made me realize how many people I touch and help in the postings I do everyday... I get THE BEST private messages and have made amazing know looking beyond yourself and not settling to just simply exist is what life is all about... GO WIDE... Reach out and help others... your family my slam the door in your face...but continue to pray for them and don't let them dull your Sparkle or steal your Joy

#help #God

Friday, September 5, 2014

Jalapeño Cheese Cornbread

Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums

1 1/2 cups cornbread mix
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
2 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup creamed corn
1/4 cup chopped jalapeño peppers
3/4 cup grated cheese (cheddar, Monterey Jack or both)
bacon, pimento, garlic (you decide which, and how much)
1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp oil

Mix all ingredients well.
Pour into buttered baking dish or cast iron skillet.
Bake at 425 degrees about 25 minutes or until done.

#hollyshelpinhand #hollysrecipes #jalapeno 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Great Benefits.... Now I am not talking about all the GREAT pumpkin recipes loaded with sugars/flours etc... I am talking about Good Ol' Pumpkin... Right from a PUMPKIN.. Pure...nothing added!!!!
Are YOU looking for a GREAT Patented Liquid Vitamin/Mineral/Probiotic...
Message me... Let Me help YOU with Phytalive and Immunipro... Totally has changed our lives and blood work Did you know Proper Nutrition like what you find in our product ... can balance your body and improve MANY things that are going on... or not coming off
#hollyshelpinhand #pumpkin #weightloss

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Another AMAZING Skinny Fiber testimonial from Heather!

All Natural Skinny Fiber~Changing Lives! Order today Go HERE to BUY 3 GET 6

Heather says...
"Here is my story and my before and after pictures everyone has been asking for. I can't believe how much weight I had gained, I knew I had to do something drastic for my health, this isn't easy, but if this helps one person gain their life back, like me and become healthier, it is all worth it! I have much more to lose but I am amazed by my results so far!!
I remember as a child always wanting to be a normal size. I have been overweight all of my life. I remember not being able to wear the same clothes as my friends because they didn't make them in my size. The constant teasing, I can still feel the pain now, remembering as a child being teased and made fun of because I was overweight. It crushed me then, but made me a stronger person today.
I have done almost everything in my life to try to lose weight and keep it off except surgery. I tried lots of supplements, some not so healthy, fad diets, starving, counting calories, counting fat, counting carbs, which I prefer, I have a collection of weight loss books. I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds throughout my life. I can tell you how much fat, calories, or carbs are in any food item just from a lifetime of dieting. It has always been a never ending battle.
I was always very healthy, never had any major issues.
On November 28, 2008, at 32 years old, I went to the hospital with my ears plugged and my head feeling like it was going to explode. They almost sent me home with antibiotics, I begged them to do more tests, they said I was too young for anything crazy....they finally did a chest x-ray.(My point is, know your body if something doesn't seem right, make the doctors run tests!) They found a mass the size of my fist underneath my sternum crushing my Superior Vena Cava. It took a week for the doctors to figure out how to treat me after a major surgery and plenty of other invasive testing. I had to have emergency Chemotherapy because my neck was swelling and I couldn't breath. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks with several life threatening complications. My kids were 7 and 4, all I could think of was, I have to be here for my kids. I give all the glory to God for the strength that somehow got me through those very dark days. I went through 9 months of Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments, I am healed forever, Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus!!
It was a very long road to recovery and getting back to close to normal. I will be forever changed, but for the better. Since then I was so tired all the time and I kept gaining weight, I knew I needed to do something to get this weight off and change my life, but I couldn't do it. I had zero energy to exercise, I couldn't stay on a diet more than a month without eating something I shouldn't which would just make me gain the weight I lost back, and more.
I accidently found Skinny Fiber, I joined a group on Facebook, I read testimonies, and everything else I could find. I worked in the medical field for 15 years so I always do all my research and make sure it is healthy to take before ordering, I found that it is, so I ordered it in desperation to lose weight again...thinking the same thing as the last bottle of stuff I ordered that didn't work. I always tried to find something all natural since being sick, it is the most important thing to me when taking something.
I took Skinny Fiber for 3 weeks as directed and always eating low carb, but not too strict. I was eating around 50 grams of carbs a day, which for me is a lot, I usually have to eat less than 20 to actually lose any weight at all, or even just to maintain my weight..yea the worst metabolism!! I lost 19 pounds in the first 3 weeks!! I wasn't even working out that much, maybe a walk 2 times a week back then. I was amazed!!! I became a distributor after I knew Skinny Fiber worked!! I couldn't wait to tell the world how awesome Skinny Fiber is!!!!
Since I have been taking Skinny Fiber I noticed I don't have headaches anymore which I have had most of my life, migraines included. I fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. I have had years of sleepless nights and used everything from OTC to prescription medication to sleep. Now I only need about 5 hours of sleep and I feel rested, before Skinny Fiber if I didn't get 8 hours of sleep I was close to useless. I also was on several different anti-anxiety and depression medication after I was sick, for a few years, now I am off everything! I have, in the past, had horrible menstrual cramps and the older I get the worse they get. Now I have very minimal cramps if any at all!! I also developed dermatitis about 10 years ago, and I was prescribed a steroid ointment to apply twice a day to my hands. Amazingly, since I have been taking Skinny Fiber, I no longer need the steroid, my hands are back to normal!! My adult acne is so much better, you can see in the pictures how my skin has cleared up.
Now since I have been on Skinny Fiber I am in control, I have zero cravings, I am full, my portion size is one third of what it used to be, if not less, and I rarely think about eating. I have energy all day and in the evening to exercise. I am happy with the rate that I am losing, I have hit a couple plateaus, I switch things up a bit to get over them and after I always lose a lot of weight, which is awesome!! I am able to eat around 40 carbs a day and some extra here and there and still lose weight!! I workout about 4 times a week. I just feel good all the time! I know the Lord led me to this product not only for my health but for a career! Thank you Jesus and thank you Skinny Body Care!! I would never have shared my fantastic results and become a distributor, if I didn't believe in this product 100%!! "

Order yours today!
#hollyshelpinhand #skinnyfiberdirectholly

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums

I love Fall!!! And pumpkin treats
10 ice cubes
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup almond milk
3 T heavy cream
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup pumpkin purée
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t ginger
pinch cloves
pinch salt
1 Tbsp truvia or desired sweetener to taste
Put everything in blender, blend until it's the consistency you like. Top with Whipped cream if desired.

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#pumpkinpuree #hollysrecipes #hollyshelpinhand
"You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter." Joel Osteen
Lets talk about Selfish people... we all have them in our lives...think the world is ALL about them.. only think of theirself...ask you for help.. then when you help YOU are the bad know the type... Well stop wasting your energy and thoughts on them... stop LETTING them hurt your way to change them... and they are not worth you becoming sick and depressed over... Kinda like HATE.. its a disease that kills only YOU....well if you are worrying yourself about why someone treats you the way they do... all you are doing is making yourself SICK... gonna end up with a disease cause you will weaken yourself....we can not control others.. gotta stop ... they are not worth your precious time spent worrying WHY... MOVE ON... they don't deserve YOU... KNOW when to close that account!!!!
‪#‎hollyshelpinhand‬ ‪#‎selfishpeople‬ ‪#‎closed‬

Monday, September 1, 2014

VERY easy .... VERY GOOD....
Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums
Pumpkin Cheesecake Dip

You will need:
8 oz of softened cream cheese
1 container of marshmallow fluff
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup of whipped cream.. I use cool whip
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
What You do:
Beat together cream cheese, marshmallow fluff, pumpkin and spice...
Then by hand stir in cool whip... serve...
This is great on fruit, graham crackers... with a spoon LOL

#hollysrecipes, #hollyshelpinhand #pumpkin #pumpkincheesecake
Ohhh This ONE is SOOOOO moist.. You are gonna want to try it for your fall get togethers..

Be sure to Share so you will have this for later
And if YOU love recipes be sure to FOLLOW me.. I make and post ALOT of my own personal ones... check out my albums

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies....OH YA... They have Chocolate Too
You will Need:
1 Cup of sugar
1 cup of brown sugar
2 cups of flour
1 cup of chocolate chips
1 cup of white chocolate chips
1 3/4 cup of oatmeal I use quick.. but regular would prob be better
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice
1 tbsp. of pure vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup of unsalted butter (softened)
1 tsp baking soda
1 Cup of Pumpkin Puree
1 Egg
Here is what you do:
Preheat your oven to 350
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (they have really cool pop up sheets now.. so they stay down)
Whisk flour, baking soda, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and salt
In another bowl cream together... butter, sugar and brown sugar
next add your pumpkin egg and vanilla.
Then you will add this mixture to your dry mixture... mix well
Then add your oatmeal and chocolate chips... continue to mix
Batter will be moist....Use an Ice cream scoop and drop onto your cookie sheet
Bake for 15 min or until the edges are lightly browned... DON"T over cook... they may seem soft but as they cool they will firm up ... this will keep the moist ...
Store in a plastic container ... OHHHH YUMM
Enjoy ~

#pumpkin #oatmealcookie, #hollyshelpinhand, #hollysrecipes